Page 377 of Sin City Baby

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I looked over at her and saw the hesitation in her eyes. What was going on? Had something happened? I mean, I knew I stole glances at her every now and again.

Thersa was a special girl. A great personality and a killer smile, despite all her awkward teenage-ness. But after what they had done for me? Taking me in after my parents kicked me out.

I would never betray their trust like that.

“Look, you guys have to believe me. I don’t know what’s going on, but you guys have been my saving fucking grace.”

“Language,” Laura said.

“Sorry. Sorry. I would never do that to Theresa,” I said. “And I would never break your trust like that, Mr. Glen. You’ve gotta believe me.”

“Maybe I misunderstood what she said, Glen,” Laura said.

I swung my eyes her way. Had Theresa said I’d done something to her?

“I’m not a bad guy, Mr. Glen. I would treat Theresa with respect like she


“So you do admit it. You have a thing for my daughter,” he said.

“No, I don’t. But you’re making it sound like I’m some sort of predator.”

“Daddy?” Theresa asked, coming into the room, a look of horror on her face. “What’s going on?”

“You stay out of this,” Glen said.

“Don’t talk to her like that. Nothing’s going on, I swear,” I said.

“What’s he talking about?” Theresa asked. “What’s going on?”

“Laura, get her out of here,” Glen said.

“Come on, honey. Let’s get Jane home,” Laura said.

“No. Wait a second. What’s going on? Why is Dad upset with Grant?” Theresa asked.

I could hear the panic in her voice as I turned my gaze toward her. Theresa’s hair was wild from sleep, and her glasses were cock-eyed on her face. She was wearing her same clothes from yesterday.

But I hated the look of fear in her eyes.

“Did you touch her?” Glen asked me again.

Laura and Jane were tugging her out of the house. Trying to get her out of harm’s way. I felt this argument going down a very dark path, and I wasn’t sure I could find a way out of it.

“Dad? What’s going on?” Hollis asked.

“Get back up to your room,” Glen said.

“No. Now I heard this argument from upstairs, and I can tell you for a fact that Grant’s never laid a finger on Theresa. If he did, he’d be dead. Because I’d kill him,” Hollis said.

“He’s right,” I said. “Your son would kill me for it.”

“I don’t give a damn who’s right and who’s wrong. I can’t have your kind of influence hanging over my daughter the way it is. My wife stood at her door last night and listened to her and Jane giggle about all sorts of things a fifteen-year-old girl should never be contemplating when it comes to an eighteen-year-old boy.”

I stood there stunned by his words. Theresa had been talking about me in a sexual manner?

“I want you out of this house,” Glen said.
