Page 41 of Sin City Baby

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“I haven’t started my period yet.”

Her eyes flickered over to me before she stomped on the gas. We raced up the block before she skidded into the parking lot of the nearest pharmacy. She grabbed my hand and tugged me in, dragging me down the “family planning” aisle. We each grabbed an insane amount of tests and dumped them onto the counter as my hands began to shake.

This couldn

’t be happening.

This wasn’t possible.

“Where’s your bathroom?” Lauren asked.

“Back left corner. Take your time,” the cashier said.

Lauren grabbed the bags. I followed her, my mind at a dead standstill.

I sat as Lauren handed me test after test. By the time we were done, I had ten of them sitting on the floor. I sat and watched them as Lauren stood outside of my bathroom stall. Everything was dead silent except for the voices rattling around in my head.

Suddenly, they all began to change. Words started to pop up on digital tests and lines started to illuminate on the test strips. I watched with careful eyes as Lauren slowly opened my bathroom stall door, and tears brewed behind my vision.

Plus signs.

Blue lines.

Pink crosses.

Pregnant, 3–4 weeks.

“Oh no,” I said in a whisper.

“Three to four weeks. But that was—”

I looked up into Lauren’s eyes as a tear slid down my cheek.




“I want to take a trip to L.A.,” I said.

“Oh, great. After I fucking hauled ass there and back. Priceless,” Levi said.

“Shut the fuck up and let Liam talk,” Logan said.

“Why?” Luke asked. “Why now?”

“So, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that what happened in Vegas almost a month ago didn’t phase us much,” I said.

“Define ‘phase,’” Luke said.

“I didn’t fucking hate it if that’s what you’re asking,” Levi said.

“I actually thought it was kind of fun,” Logan said.

“Hot,” Luke said.

“One thing came to light that night, and throughout all this, and that’s the fact that we all care about Samantha, right?” I asked.
