Page 416 of Sin City Baby

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They were like miniature spiritual teachers. My children were at the stage where they gasped at everything from Christmas lights to big bodies of water. Hell, sometimes they would sit in a chair out back and squeal at the squirrels hopping from limb to limb. Their childish wonder was always a reminder to me to stop and appreciate the little things.

Especially since my life moved at such a fast pace.

Especially since I chased my success in a fruitless attempt to prove myself to my father.

“Come on, guys. We need to strap in. We’re about to descend. That means we’re about to land,” I said.

My kids scrambled to buckle their seatbelts as the plane started its descent.

The two munchkins were bouncing around in their seats, anxious to get to our vacation home so they could go out and swim. Sydney and Daniel were due back at their preschool next week, but I wanted them to enjoy some time away during spring break. My security company had been in overdrive taking on a flood of new high-end clients, and I had my driver pick them up from school and drop them off at my office more often than at home.

We all needed a break, and I was ecstatic they were so excited.

We disembarked underneath a gorgeous blue sky. There was not a cloud in sight and the air smelled of sea salt. I hauled the bags as the kids ran for the car, sliding across the soft leather seats.

“Come on, Daddy! Hurry up!” Sydney said.

Tossing everything into the trunk, I turned around with a big smile on my face.

One week of just me, the munchkins, and their excitement. I’d take them to see everything; the secret lagoon with the waterfall they could play in, and the crystal-clear waters with snorkeling goggles so they could see the fish. I’d take them jet skiing and bodysurfing and let them try all of the wonderful local foods Nassau Island had to offer.

I was ready to make memories and put work behind me for a while.

We pulled up to the vacation house I’d recently purchased, and the kids gawked. I’d known they would love it from the moment I found it online. It sat right on the edge of the beach and had steps that came off the porch and went right into the water. There was a slide on the side of the house that jutted out a good fifteen feet past the shoreline. The porch was made of a thick glass so you could sit and watch the sunset while fish swam underneath your feet, and each bedroom lined the back of the house, so everyone would get an ocean view in the morning.

“Oh look! A waterslide!” Daniel said.

“Can we go down it, Daddy? Please!” Sydney said.

“Of course, you can. Let’s get inside and get chang

ed, then the two of you can have at it,” I said.

“Do we have to wear floaties this time?” Daniel asked.

“I don’t like those,” Sydney said.

“Well, you’re going to be wearing them. But do it without whining and I’ll have a surprise for you guys tonight,” I said.

“A surprise? What is it?” Daniel asked.

“Yeah, what is it?” Sydney asked.

“Well it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you what it was,” I said.

“Come on Dad!” they whined in unison.

“Nope, you’re gonna have to wait. Now, let’s get inside and get changed. I wanna try out the waterslide, too.”

“Can you go down with me?” Sydney asked.

“As many times as you want,” I said with a smile.

I grabbed everything from the trunk and sent the driver off. When I got to the bedrooms to dump the kids’ bags, I found them jumping on a bed. Their curtains were thrown open so they could look out at the ocean.

“Having fun?” I asked.

“Daddy! Watch me butt-slam!” Daniel said.
