Page 43 of Sin City Baby

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“Doesn’t matter,” I said. “The point is, at the very least, we have to talk Samantha into being in Lauren’s wedding. It’s in two weeks. We made a promise to Lauren to make that happen for her and we can’t let our sister down.”

“We all have a responsibility to how this situation has spiraled out of control,” I said.

“So when the fuck do we leave for L.A.?” Levi asked. “And who’s driving?”

“I can drive,” Logan said. “My SUV will fit us and all our shit.”

“I’ll book us a hotel,” Luke said.

“We’ll close up early Friday and work from the road,” I said. “Everyone okay with meeting here at three?”

“I close down the sites at two on Fridays to give the guys a break, so I’ll be here,” Levi said.

“I’ll have all my paperwork done and ready to turn in by that time,” Logan said.

“And what if she doesn’t want to talk to us?” Luke asked.

I sighed as I raked a hand through my hair.

“Let’s hope she does and go from there,” I said.



I felt conflicted about heading to L.A. without Sam knowing we were coming. All we had to go on was the fact that Levi seemed confident that she was listening to our voice messages. She still wasn’t taking our calls, and neither was Lauren at this point. The best-case scenario was that they had reconciled and turned against us. It didn’t get my brothers and I any closer to Sam, but it did get Sam to Lauren’s wedding.

At least, the way it panned out in my head had that happening.

“I think we should go to her parent’s house. Confront her right there,” Logan said.

“Sounds like a brilliant plan,” Liam said. “Scare her off and piss her off.”

“And what about her fucking parents?” Levi asked. “They’ll be there for sure.”

“Four of us against the two of them? It’s a no-brainer. They haven’t seen us in years,” Logan said.

“What are you going to do? Beat them into the ground with your fist?” I asked.

“If they start fucking going in on Sam, I might do that with her father,” Levi said.

“Honestly, since she’s not picking up our calls, going to her house might be our best bet,” Liam said.

“I’ve left her several voice messages about where we’ll be for the weekend. Even gave her the room number like Levi did when he came up here. What has you guys so convinced she won’t come?” I asked.

“Just trust me on this. Levi and Samantha are a different story. But all of us at once? It might require us to use some heavy-handed tactics,” Liam said.

I didn’t know how I felt about that. About using anything that could be considered “heavy-handed” on Sam. I cared about her and what was going on with her, and I didn’t want to force anything out of her.

I loved Sam.

I didn’t want to approach her like th


I convinced the guys to drive to the hotel first and at least get us checked in. From there, I could send a text message to Sam and tell her we were all there. I could stall my brothers, see if Sam would show up, then we could go from there.

But after two hours of stalling, Sam still didn’t show up.
