Page 479 of Sin City Baby

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“You drink too much, and you can carry a tune in a bucket. Good for you. But it’s time that nice country man persona actually became the real deal. Your facade is cracking, and the tabloids are starting to notice. You can only use your wife as an excuse for so long, Drake. You need to get your shit together, for real.”

“Don't you fucking bring Shannon into this--” I growled.

Hank dug something out of his bag and slammed it against my chest. There was an article about me sprawled across the front page. ‘Daddy Needs More Beer,’ the headline read, and it had a picture of me tipping up a beer to my lips at the last concert I did.

“Oh, whatever. They’re just pissed because I’m raking in the dough,” I said.

“No one’s pissed in this article, Drake. But the way the media labels you will affect your career. You think you got it good now, just wait until you fall from whatever heaven you think this is. You’ll be the broke ranch owner trying to scrape together two dollars for your sister’s chewing gum habit if you don’t watch it.”

“You leave my fucking sister out of this, old man,” I said. “I’ll take care of her no matter what.”

“Yeah, but you won’t be able to afford Tammy if you play your cards wrong. That woman has helped your sister more than any of the rest of us combined. Including you. You wanna keep your sister’s caretaker around? Then you’ll fucking put on your best smile and sit through these damn interviews with me.”

The elevator doors opened onto a quiet level as heads turned our way. People were already gawking and snapping pictures, with women chattering while their cheeks blushed. I tipped my hat to them, and they smiled big for me.

I grinned at all of them as I followed Hank through the aisles. Always had to play my part in this little charade.

“Sit down right here. I’m gonna go talk to someone,” Hank said.

“Yes, Momma. I’ll be here when you get back,” I said.

Hank shot me a look before he walked off, trying to find whoever the hell was in charge of this gaggle of girls. Even though there was a crowd of them forming at the corner of the hallway, there was one girl that seemed wholly unimpressed

I turned my head and took her in as she sat at her desk. Her hands were on her knees, and her back was straight. She was scanning something on the screen as she tapped her long, slim fingers on her thigh. She was so prim and proper.

She also didn't seem to be tripping over herself to catch my attention, which I had to say, was unusual considering the circumstances.

My cock tightened in my pants, and I mentally cursed myself for it. Still, she was a stunner, I had to give her that. Her honey blonde hair was pulled back in a side-braid, resting over her shoulder. Her legs were long, and her frame was small, but with just a hint of feminine curves.

“All right, Drake. There are a few girls here who accepted the job posting. I’m going to sit down with them while you stay here, and when I come back, we’ll have you a P.A.”

“Who’s she?” I asked.

The girl in the chair turned and looked at me, her beautiful green eyes connecting with mine as she cocked her head. She was studying me, her eyes running up and down my body. I was waiting for her cheeks to blush, for that goofy smile to spread across her face under my gaze like I was used to. She gave me nothing, and my interest deepened. Hank’s voice broke through my thoughts.

“Delia Jakobson? She was one of the more qualified applicants, and the one I was planning to interview first.” Hank said.

“Then the only way I’m agreeing to any of this is if you hire her.”

The woman turned back to her computer screen, going back to studying whatever it was she was looking at before I had caught her attention.

I had a plan. Hank was determined to get me a personal assistant. Fine by me. That didn’t mean I couldn’t make

the girl quite after I gave her hell. The reason I wanted her was because she didn’t appear interested in me. I could trust that she wouldn't do everything in her power to get in my pants.

This Delia didn't look like the type to fuck around, which was good because I wouldn’t feel bad about giving her hell. We were going to be spending lots of time together, and all I wanted to do was have her decide in no uncertain terms that she couldn’t work for a man like me. That was my plan.

“Fine. I’ll go tell her boss that she’s our pick,” he said.



I had all of my paperwork ready for the interview as the elevator doors dinged open. I could hear the other women in the office squealing and giggling amongst themselves as they gathered at the corner of the hallway. I wanted to make it a point not to bombard him, not to act like his fame altered me in any way. I knew it would set me apart.

I sat at my desk with my hands in my lap, reading the latest article on Drake Blackthorn. It was a review of his latest concert, where he had apparently climbed onto a giant speaker and picked a woman out of the crowd. That woman was pulled aside for an interview, and the things she was saying were interesting, to say the least. Tour busses and naked women, dicks hanging out and booze flowing freely, drugs being snorted, food being devoured, and the guys kicking most of the girls off the bus in the middle of nowhere.

It was a terrible article, and it made me wonder if he had read it yet.
