Page 49 of Sin City Baby

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I fucked her as fast as I could and drove myself as deep as I could get. My balls curled into my body, and I braced myself as colors burst in my vision. Her pussy clamped around me, and her lips crashed into mine. She swallowed my groans. My grunts. My growls as they surfaced. Her hands raked through my hair, clinging to any part of me she could reach. My cock emptied into her, pumping her full of my seed as her pussy milked me for more.

Our foreheads fell together, and I could feel her heart beating against mine. My lips fell to her cheek and lined a trail down

her pulse point as her head fell to the side. Willingly opening to me like she had back in Vegas. I gripped her body and held her close to me, pulling her away from the wall and stumbling over to her bed. My legs were weak. My mind was still reeling from the power of my orgasm.


Sam was incredible.

I laid her down on the bed, reluctantly pulling my cock from her body. Her eyes fluttered closed, and I could tell she was tired. I gathered her clothes and tossed them into a chair, then slid mine on before I sat on the edge of her bed. My hand was still shaking as I smoothed her hair from her face, and she turned into the palm of my hand and lazily kissed it.

“You don’t ever need to be scared of how you feel about me. Or any of us. We treasure you Sam, and we respect you. We always will,” I whispered softly.

She kept her eyes closed but nodded her head.

I didn’t want to leave her, but I knew I had to. She didn’t want me here when her parents got home, and I didn’t necessarily want to run into them either. An altercation with them wouldn’t make Sam’s situation any less stressful. If I wanted her to trust me enough to really tell me what was going on with her, I’d have to play by her rules. For now.



Something wasn’t sitting right with me. That dinner with Sam had been way too fucking weird. She’d looked awful, like she hadn’t been well, and I spent half the night worried that she was hiding some sort of illness from us. The thought of her being sick made me half crazy. I’d tried to pry details out of Logan when he got back from taking her home, but he told me that she hadn’t given him any more information than she’d given all of us at dinner. I had the sneaking suspicion that he was holding something back, but I had been too tired and worried to try and drag it out of him. I got up the next morning and picked up my phone, then immediately dialed her number.

“Come on. Pick the fuck up,” I said with a murmur.


“Sam. Hey. It’s Levi.”

“I know. Is everything okay?” she asked.

“I was wondering—well, we were all wondering—if you could swing by the hotel today? You know, to hang out. Get you out of your parent’s place for a bit.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” she said.

“Sam please, it’s clear that you’re struggling with something and we just want to help you. Why won’t you let us help you?”

She fell silent, and I worried that still wouldn’t convince her to come over.

“Can you give me an hour? I haven’t showered yet,” she said.

“Take your time. We’ll be right here,” I said.

I hung up the phone and told the guys she was coming over. They were all shocked I had convinced her to come, but then we all scrambled to get ready. The hotel suite we booked looked like it had blown up overnight. In our mutual worry for Sam had caused us to drink and eat and commiserate long into the night. Clothes, bottles, and empty pizza boxes were strewn about the place and it looked like a frat party gone wrong. We cleaned it up and made ourselves presentable before Sam could come over.

Finally, there was a knock on the door, and Liam strode over to open it. Sam smiled that weak little smile she’d been donning since we’d been there, and Liam showed her in. Her eyes connected with mine, and I felt my fucking heart melt.

She was going to be pissed when I cornered her.

“Hey guys,” Sam said.

Her eyes darted around the room at us, like prey in the midst of a feeding frenzy.

“If it’s uncomfortable for you to be here, we can take you out,” Luke said.

“Yeah. Some lunch or something,” Logan said.

“Anywhere you want. I know you like that hot dog place down the road from here,” Liam said.
