Page 61 of Sin City Baby

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Liam and I stood from the porch and headed straight for her. Sam’s eyes were red and still filled with tears, and her nose was red from blowing it. She climbed out of her car and I immediately gathered her against me.

Liam dipped his hand down into a potted plant and retrieved her spare key. The air conditioning unit was running on full blast so it felt like a fucking icicle in her place. Liam turned the thermostat down and I walked with Sam over to the couch where she sat down and curled against me.

Liam shut the front door and came to sit beside us. He picked up Sam’s feet, removing her shoes and her socks. He settled her legs into his lap and began to massage her gently, and soon her crying turned into sighing. She leaned her head against my shoulder and praised Liam’s handiwork as my arms gripped her tightly.

“Thank you, guys, for coming over,” Sam said.

“Of course,” I said.

“We’ll always be here for you Sam,” Liam told her. Sam pulled her feet from Liam’s hands and stood up from the couch. She drew in a deep breath and rubbed at her cheeks again before she made her way for the bathroom. I got up from the couch and followed down the hallway, concerned she might’ve been getting sick. I heard water running and the fan going, but I didn’t hear her throwing up.

And when she emerged, Sam had a plastered smile on her cheeks.

Shit. She looked a little manic, like she was about to lose her marbles.

“You guys want to see the bridesmaid dress?” Sam asked. “I haven’t tried it on since I bought it in the store with Lauren.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to talk?” Liam asked.

“About what?” Sam asked.

I looked over at Liam and saw worry cross his features.

Yep. This was typical Sam. And not one of the better parts of her personality. When things got to be too much, she emotionally removed herself from everything. She compartmentalized better than any person I’d ever come across, but it didn’t do her any favors when it came to coping with her own life circumstances. She motioned for us to follow her into her room, and I obliged, Liam trailing behind before we sat down on the edge of her bed.

“I haven’t tried this dress on since I found out I was pregnant,” Sam said.

“Speaking of pregnancies,” Liam said, “have you set a doctor’s appointment with anyone in the area?”

“I have,” Sam said.

“When is it?” I asked.

“Next week,” she said.

“Well, let us know what time it is, and we’ll all be there with you.”

Sam didn’t say anything.

“You do want us there, right?” I asked.

Sam walked over to the mirror she had in her closet and began twirling around. Studying herself in the dress that I wasn’t even slightly paying attention to. Her eyes were dull. Removed. Unfocused. I stood from the bed and shoved my hands into my pockets as Liam cleared his throat.

“We want to be there for these appointments,” he said. “All of us.”

“And I’m not sure about having four guys in a doctor’s office all trying to hold my hand,” Sam said plainly.

“Will you at least think about it?” I asked.

“Right now, this wedding is what’s on my mind. Once we can get through Lauren’s wedding this week, then we’ll figure out what comes next,” she said.

“Promise?” Liam asked.

Sam panned her gaze over to us before she heaved a heavy sigh.

“Thanks for coming over and helping me with everything. I admit I fell apart a bit in the car.”

“A bit?” Liam asked. “I couldn't even understand you in the car.”
