Page 186 of Two Weeks of Sin

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“Will you start calling me by my name?” I asked.



“Not a chance.” He said with a smirk.

Our conversation was interrupted when people started filing in. I jumped up and looked around, confused.

“What’s happening?”

“It’s Friday night, girly. Time to party!” he said, jumping up.

Music started blaring from the jukebox and he looked at me. “You just gonna sit there or are you going to join us?”

I rolled my eyes but smiled and stood up, going over to the dartboard and pulling the darts out. I knew I could kick some ass at darts.

“Let's play!”

The night went by like a blur. People kept giving me drinks and I kept downing them. Each drink got me more and more out going until I was tipsy and laughing easily. The drinks helped me to release all the pent up emotion that was building up inside of me. All of my fears and worries went away and for the first time, I was able to admit to myself that I actually felt close to Dylan. I was starting to fall for this vigilant. He started off as just eye candy, but now that I was getting to know the real Dylan. I was truly falling for this man. His heart was what attracted me the most.

It was getting late and soft music was playing. I was still floating and smiled when Dylan came over to me offered his hand. His own cheeks were red and I had to guess that he was a bit drunk.

“Want to dance?”

“I guess I could spare a moment,” I said, grinning and walking over to him.

He pulled me into his arms and I was surprised at how right this felt. I leaned into his chest and moved slowly with him, looking up at his strong jaw and stubble.

“Why do you stay?” Dylan asked after a moment.

“Don’t got nowhere else to go, do I?” I murmured.

“That all?”

“I guess you’re growing on me. You’re different - in a good way.”

He laughed a deep throaty laugh. “You like a righteous man, do you?”

“I like good men. Always wanted to fall in love with one.”

He was silent for a moment as he moved together. “Am I a good man?” his voice was weak and doubtful.

I looked up at him and my eyes focused on his face. After a moment I nodded. “Yes. You’re a good man.”

The music stopped and we just stared at each other and he looked down at me. “You’re going to be mine. I’m going to take you as my girl,” he whispered.

The words sent a chill up my spine and I found that it didn’t bother. There was possessiveness in his voice, but instead of frightening me, it made a shiver and a pleasure run down my spine. I was completely drawn in and unable to hesitate any longer.

“Then do it,” I whispered.

Chapter Thirteen

He didn’t waste any time. Those words lit a fire under him and he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of the bar and along the dirt path. I didn’t hesitate to follow.

It took what felt like forever, but we finally made it to the house and up the stairs, tearing at each other’s clothes all the way to his bedroom door. My heart was racing, even though my mind was screaming that this was a terrible idea. Our lips didn’t break accept to suck in deep, desperate gulps of air.

I knew where this was going, and while it wasn’t my first rodeo, I was far more excited for this than any other encounter I’d ever had. It was a miracle we made it across the threshold without falling over.
