Page 177 of One More Time

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I looked at him sharply, surprised by how quickly he agreed. It wasn’t like him to spend any time with me if he didn’t have to.

We made our way to the front door but never made it to the park. Just as we pulled the door open, a man stepped inside and threw his arms wide. He was grinning from ear to ear. I didn’t know him, but from the way Sean’s face lit up, he certainly did.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Sean asked, rushing forward to hug the strange man.

“Got tired of waiting for an invite,” he said. “Plus, I wanted to see my favorite little brats.”

“We aren’t brats, Uncle Philip,” Tommy said with a frown.

“Well, not you,” Philip said, placing his hand over his heart. “I’m sorry, Tommy. I was talking about your sister.”

“Hey!” Sarah said, but there was a wide smile on her face.

“Get your cute butts over here!” Philip demanded.

Tommy and Sarah ran forward to hug him. He grabbed them both in his arms and lifted them into the air. They laughed, and I stood to the side, watching.

“Oh,” Sean said, glancing at me suddenly. “Philip, this is Emily. She’s our nanny. Emily, this is my friend, Philip.”

“Ah,” Philip said, looking me up and down. “The nanny.”

“Hi,” I said. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” he said, still eyeing me closely.

I let Sean and Philip take the kids to the park that morning, hanging back to give them time together. It was a huge surprise to see Sean’s best friend suddenly appear at the door, but I hoped his presence might soften Sean’s mood.

That night, we all ordered pizza and played board games. Philip was amazing with both Tommy and Sarah. He kept them laughing and even managed to diffuse their many fights. I almost felt useless with him around, but he didn’t let me. Every few minutes, he would make sure to pull me into the conversation. After just a few hours, I’d grown to really like him, mostly because of the way he changed Sean.

Sean wasn’t just softer, he was fun. He was more open and light-hearted. Watching him interact with Philip was amazing. He was like an entirely different person.

I put the kids to bed that night, leaving Sean and Philip alone to catch up. When I was done, I headed back downstairs but froze halfway there. Sean and Philip were talking in the living room, and I distinctly heard my name. I knew I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help myself. I ducked down on the staircase to listen.

“You like her,” Philip said with confidence.

“It’s not that,” Sean said. “She’s just, I don’t know. I am attracted to her. I won’t deny that, but it doesn’t go beyond that.”

“So, nothing’s happened between you two?” Philip asked.

I held my breath, straining to hear his response over the sound of my heart pounding in my ears.

“We kissed,” Sean admitted.

“But you don’t like her?” Philip asked.

“It’s just physical, man,” Sean said. “It’s not real.”

“That’s bullshit,” Philip said. “God, sometimes you really are an idiot.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Sean asked.

I could hear the frustration in his voice.

“She’s gorgeous,” Philip said. “That much is obvious, but if you could see the way you look at her. Sean, this girl has changed you.”

“Come on,” Sean said with a soft laugh. “You’re full of it.”

“Am I?” Philip asked. “So, you don’t watch her when she isn’t looking? Your eyes don’t follow her when she walks across the room?”
