Page 241 of One More Time

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The noise sounded once more, and we both heard it that time. It took me a minute to figure out what it was and then it hit me – the doorknob was rattling. Someone was trying to get into Madison's room. She clung to me, her body shaking, and terror etched onto her beautiful face. Thankfully though, she bit her bottom lip and remained quiet.

Madison looked up at me, her eyes wide and scared, and I knew I had to do something. Anything. It was my duty to protect her and I was going to goddamn do that. I was not about to let anybody hurt her. I took a deep, steadying breath as I sat there in the darkness, listening to the doorknob rattle.

I tried to calm myself, tried to clear my head. Maybe I was freaking out over nothing – a misunderstanding, perhaps. Maybe it was a drunk guest at the wrong room. That happened more often than you'd think. Or, it could be something more sinister. Something more dangerous.

I slipped from the bed quietly, Madison gripping my arm. I had to slide loose from her grip, which wasn't easy. She fought to keep her grip on me, begging with her large, scared eyes to stay with her. To not leave her. Someone had to see what was going on, though.

“I'm just going to check this out,” I whispered into her ear. “Go into the bathroom and lock the door behind you.”

“I'm scared,” she whispered back.

“It's probably just some drunk,” I said. “Doesn't realize it's the wrong room.”

“Could be somebody here to kill me.”

I turned toward the doorway as the sound of the knob clicking caught my attention. There was a loud ping and a click – it sounded like someone had broken the knob. My gaze flew toward the deadbolt at the top of the door and my eyes widened slightly when I saw it wasn't locked. Dammit. How could I have been so careless? How could I have let my guard down that much? With so much at stake?

Now wasn't the time for self-recriminations. I'd have time for that later. Right now, I had only a second to get to the door before it opened. If the person on the other side of the door happened to have a gun or some other sort of weapon, things were about to get hairy.

Not having a weapon handy, I leaned forward and pressed my weight against the door, trying to keep it closed long enough so I could flip the deadbolt before the intruder got through. Luck was not on my side, as the knob turned before I could engage the deadbolt. Leaning against the door, I felt the person outside tried to push it open.

Instead of it opening, however, he felt my weight against the other side of the door. He pushed harder, but I held my ground. The door opened a crack and I stared out at him, only seeing a pair of brown eyes peeking out at me from

behind a scarf. His head was covered with a hoodie, so all I saw were his eyes – and he saw mine. The intruder's eyes widened with surprise, but then narrowed with anger a moment later. Clearly, I'd spoiled his plans for the evening.

“Not who you were expecting, huh?” I growled.

The man turned and took off down the hall. I grabbed my boxers and shouted to Madison, “Call 9-1-1. I'll be back. Lock the deadbolt on the door and—”

“No, stay here,” she said, emerging from the bathroom and grabbing onto me. “It's not safe. Don't leave me here alone, Oliver. Please, I'm begging you.”

“The cops won't get here in time,” I said. “I have to.”

I pulled away from her and rushed into the hallway, looking around and seeing nothing. I growled and ran to the bank of elevators and slapped the buttons, cursing when I saw that the car was on the first floor. We were on the twelfth. Fuck. No time.

The stairwell was nearby and I ran to the door, flinging it open as I rushed into it. When the crash of the door hitting the wall behind it echoed away into nothing, I was plunged into utter silence. No footsteps. Nothing. My guy was clearly not in the stairwell.

I stood there for a moment, cursing under my breath when I realized I'd left Madison alone. Even with the deadbolt on the door engaged, she was exposed. I had a choice to make. Continue on, hoping to catch the guy, or risk more harm coming to Madison because I'd left her alone and unprotected.

It wasn't really a difficult choice to make. I turned and hurried back through the door to the stairwell and down to Madison's room. I banged on the door, calling her name, letting her know it was me. Madison quickly unbolted the door for me, throwing her body against mine, wrapping me up in a tight hug the moment I stepped through the doorway.

I held her in my arms for several long moments, feeling her body shudder as she cried on my shoulder. She was five foot six, but at that moment, she felt so tiny and small. So fragile and delicate. Stroking her hair, I kept whispering into her ear, trying to calm her down.

“You're okay, Madison,” I said prematurely. You're okay.”

“He knew I was here,” she sobbed. “He found me. He can find me anywhere. How in the hell could he have known I was here, Oliver?”

“I don't know. But I'm not going to leave you,” I said, holding her sweet, tear-stained face in my hands and forcing her to look at me. “No one is going to hurt you as long as I'm alive. Got it? No one.”

She nodded, so much trust in her sweet eyes. She believed me. She trusted me.

Just like Lauren had.

Seeing that trust sent a ripple of fear through my gut and sent a spike of fear lancing through my heart. I feared that I wouldn't be able to keep my promise. That I'd fail her like I'd failed Lauren.


“Did you see the person?” Officer Fellows asked, yawning as he took notes.
