Page 311 of One More Time

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She was pregnant. The words hit me hard. Sure, it might not be my child, but it might be. It could be.

“I only did that to make you jealous,” she said as tears welled in her eyes. “It was stupid of me, and I acted like a child – but it was the pregnancy hormones are making me act crazy. I realize that now.”

“How far along are you?”

“Three, almost four months now,” she said. “Which would put the time of conception right around your birthday. Do you remember that night, Malcolm?”

I did. How could I forget? We'd spent the night on the yacht, making love out on the Pacific Ocean with the moon shining down on us. Back when we were happy, back when I loved her. It had felt like an eternity ago though, and so much had changed.

“And what about Tyler?” I asked. “The mystery man you've been texting for months now.”

“We've never met, Malcolm. I swear to you, it was all online and through text. He's in New York City,” she said. “And that was stupid. I have no defense for it. You were just working so much, and I felt neglected. It was selfish of me, but I've never slept with anyone besides you. I swear it.”

She sobbed, resting her head in my lap. I stared over at my parents, not sure if this was something we should discuss in front of them or not. I had no words to say, and I still wasn't sure I trusted her.

Danielle continued, “I love you, Malcolm,” she said. “I want us to be a family. Like we were always meant to be.”

Problem was, I didn't love her. Not anymore. Even if what she'd said was true, she'd had an emotional affair. She fell for another man. She'd talked about their futures together, about her leaving me – with some of my money – and setting up a life together with him.

Whether she actually fucked him or not was immaterial at that point – she'd formed an emotional connection with him. A strong one too, judging by her text messages.

I wanted to stand up, to leave the room and be alone for a while. I needed time to think and process it all. But, her head weighed heavy on my lap and my parents were watching me closely. They were waiting for me to respond. “I just don't know if I can believe you, Danielle,” I said at last.

“When the baby is born, if you have any doubt, you can get a paternity test,” she said, wiping her eyes and looking up at me. “And I know it'll be yours, Malcolm. Because I know I haven't been with anyone else but you.”

If she was lying, it would be one hell of a performance. I was numb, completely numb. My stomach was in knots. This should have been a happy time, a moment of celebration. Instead of popping the champagne though, I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I looked over at my mother helplessly, but it was my dad who spoke up first.

“Malcolm, I think you need to listen to her,” he said. “If she's willing to prove paternity, why would she lie? It's a lie that would be easily disproved.”

I didn't have an answer to that. Not unless she figured I wouldn't actually go through with a paternity test.

Dad continued. “And, since this is your child, you'd automatically qualify for your inheritance,” he said. “And you could get started on raising your family.”

Danielle looked up at me, her eyes sparkling. “We could be a family, Malcolm,” she said brightly. “You, me, and our baby. Just like we always talked about. Dreamed about.”

I looked down and saw the hope in her eyes. She thought she was going to get what she wanted – me. Or rather, my money. Deep down, I knew that was what this was all about. Danielle's way of slithering in and claiming a slice of the pie for herself. I couldn't prove it yet, but I knew it down to my very bones.

“No,” I said.

“No, what, son?” Dad asked.

“No, we can't be a family,” I said. “If this is my baby – and that's a big if – I will step up and be a father, but that does not mean you and I will be together, Danielle. Our relationship is over, and I can never trust you again. Not after what you did.”

Dad spoke up. “Son, don't you think you're being a bit harsh?” he said. “People make mistakes.”

“Sure, of course you'd say that. You're the king of mistakes when it comes to relationships, aren't you, Dad?” I growled.

It was cruel, and a cheap, petty shot – especially with my mother right beside him. But, of all the people to be giving me advice on the situation, or how I should be feeling about and treating somebody who'd broken my trust by cheating on me – even if it was only an emotional affair – he was the last person I wanted to hear from.

I expected to see pain wash over my mother's face, but when my eyes fell on her, she smiled at me. A small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes fully, but at least it was something.

“I don't have to listen to this,” Dad said, standing up with Mom's help. “If you think being with someone means never making mistakes, you're wrong, son.”

I looked at mom when I said, “Maybe you and I just have different standards, Dad, because I know it's possible to avoid cheating,” I said. “Mom's managed to do it all these years, hasn't she?”

Danielle had lifted her head off my lap, and that gave me a chance to stand up. I wanted to be as far away from her as physically possible. She stood up with me though and reached for my hands.
