Page 73 of One More Time

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“Pay up?” I asked. “You guys bet on whether or not Connie would cry?”

“We had a running bet going as to who would win prom king and queen tonight. Ana thought our original ones would win, but she also bet that Connie would cry over it,” Chanel said.

“Ten bucks, bitch!” Ana said.

I watched Chanel take a ten-dollar bill from her cleavage as she handed it to Ana. She looked beautiful tonight. She was in a dress that highlighted her figure and skin tone perfectly and was wearing her flip-flops. She had on a hint of makeup, tasteful and neutral. It accented her sea-blue eyes, and her honey-blond hair seemed to shine like the setting sun. Even though we’d had a rough afternoon, Chanel was in higher spirits for prom. We were dancing and singing to songs we grew up with in high school. She even let me pull her close and thread my arms around her for the slower numbers.

It felt good, having her in my arms, especially when I thought I wasn’t going to tonight.

I had spent the afternoon replaying the bombshell Evelyn had dropped on us. I hadn’t cheated on Chanel that night. The thought of it had elated me but had also made angrier than I’d been in years. To know that my life’s course had been altered by someone else’s stupid decision made me see red. Worse than that, I never did find out who had set it up. Connie had come and dragged her little minion away before she could tell me.

Tommy pointed out that it didn’t really matter. It was all in the past and I should just move on. It was a tough pill to swallow, but I knew he was right. I couldn’t dwell on it any longer, it had already been ten goddamn years. Right now, I just wanted to focus on Chanel and what this could possibly mean for our future.

If she could ever see one with me.

I was shocked at how close Chanel allowed me to get. Her hands were wrapped around my neck, her fingertips playing along my skin. My hands were caressing her back and running up and down her sides. During the faster numbers, my knee was between her legs. I could feel her grinding against my thigh as she swirled her hips. She was completely different from the Chanel I had seen this afternoon, and I loved every moment of it. She was freer. Less stressed. Her body fit mine, just like it had in high school.

And Evelyn was nowhere to be seen.

The songs began to slow down again as the old-slash-new prom king and queen took their places in the middle of the floor. They began swaying and gazing into one another’s eyes, just like they had back then. Tommy and Ana were all over one another in a corner, not paying attention at all to what was going on.

I looked down at Chanel and gave her a smile before she took my hand.

Without a word spoken between us, she pulled me out of the ballroom. We were wandering around the empty ship, listening to the music pumping from the dance hall. Our fingers were intertwined, and our steps fell in sync. Chanel was clinging to me like she had that night, with our hands threaded together and her other arm clutching onto my bicep. We walked around silently, until we stumbled into a dark, empty auditorium.

“Should we be in here?” Chanel asked.

“If we shouldn’t be, they should lock the doors next time,” I said.

“Or at least close them. Come on. Let’s go teach them a lesson.”

Chanel tugged on the doors, closing them behind us as I took out my phone. The electronic flashlight illuminated our way as we ran toward the stage. We jumped up, giggles falling from her lips as we sat back and took in the shadowed props and lights above it. It was dark and completely silent. Not a sound could be heard except for Chanel’s breathless panting.

“I’m glad you came out tonight,” I said. “I wasn’t sure if you would.”

“Ana has a way of talking sense into me, and what she said made sense,” Chanel said.

“What did she

say?” I asked.

“She told me to stop dwelling on the past because it couldn’t be changed. She said I had allowed that night to take up too much of my time over the years and that it was time to finally put it to rest.”

“Hmmm, that’s pretty much what Tommy told me,” I said.

“They really are perfect for one another,” Chanel remarked.

“You think the two of them will continue this thing they’ve got going on after we get back to the real world?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Part of me hopes they do. Ana deserves something like this, she actually seems happy.”

“So does Tommy. I also know he hates commitment, though. It’s hard to believe in something like that when you come from his family.”

“What happened with his family?” she asked.

“Eh, I don’t really know all the dirty details, but basically his father didn’t treat his mom with the respect she deserved, so Tommy stepped up to be the man of the house.”

“That’s pathetic,” she said. “What’s wrong with men?”
