Page 102 of Her Best Men

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“Where’s Katie?” I asked.

“Not here,” she said.

“Then why are you here?”

“Because I have a key, and I can be here whenever I want.”

“Don’t you have an apartment of your own?” I asked.

“Yes, and Katie’s got a key to it. That’s what best friends do. They have keys to each other’s places when they’re single and tryin’ to navigate their lives.”

“Where is she?”

“Not here.”

“Let me talk to her,” I said.

“Not a chance, even if she was here,” she said.

“Get outta my way before I move you. Katie!”

“I’ll call the fuckin’ police before I let you in this damn place. Now go away.”

Lizzie slammed the door in my face, and I kicked it. Running my hands through my hair, I did the only thing I knew I could do. There was one other person who was bound to know what was going on with Katie. One more friend she had that knew everything going on in that head of hers.

I only had to track her down.

I raced back to work and barreled into my office. My brothers were looking at me like I was insane, and I knew I probably looked it. I pulled out file drawer after file drawer, going through all the employee records until I came to Katie’s name.

I prayed to all the gods I knew that Whitney’s number would be in here.

“What’s goin’ on?” Caleb asked.

“You find Katie?” Andrew asked.

But all I did was keep flipping until I came to it.

Katie’s emergency contact information.

“Hell, yes,” I said as I whipped out my phone.

There it was. Written as plain as day in that picture-perfect handwriting. Whitney’s cell number.

I dialed the number and pushed everyone out of my office. I slammed the door, knowing damn well they’d come knocking it down in a few minutes. The phone rang and rang in my ear, and I was preparing to hang up the phone and call right back.

Until she finally picked up.

“Hello?” she asked.

“Whitney, don’t hang up. It’s Dylan Lee.”

“Dylan? Fuck, is something wrong with Katie?” she asked.

“That’s what I was callin’ to ask you about. Do you know what’s goin’ on with her?”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s a long story. And involved. The gist of it is things were going well, then suddenly Katie backed away and quit her jobs here at the resort. Have you spoken to her at all?”
