Page 137 of Her Best Men

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“If you ever change your mind though, sugar, I'm here,” Dom said, shooting her a wink. “And on that note, I think I'll leave you two alone.”

He stood up, and I walked him to the door. Ember stayed in the living room, sitting on the couch and looked shell-shocked. I knew it had to be an awkward position to put her in. Still, there was a light of curiosity in her eyes. I knew she wanted Dom, she just wasn't ready.

“Poor girl, I think you broke her,” Dom laughed, running a hand through his hair.

“Nah, she's not so easily broken. She's stronger than she looks,” I said. I shook his hand. “Thanks for stopping by.”

“Thanks for offering to share your girl,” he said.

“Maybe next time.”

“There's always a next time,” he said. “I'd say have fun, but I think that'll happen no matter what I say.”

“Yeah, I'd say that's a guarantee.”

Dom turned to me, a look of curiosity on his face. “You really like her, don't you?”

I didn't even have to think about it before nodding. “I do.”

“Sure as hell beats her mother,” he said before patting me on the back.

“That she does. In every single way.”


“Did you mean what you said?” Ember asked as I stepped back into the living room. “About me sleeping with Dom?”

Her head was cocked to the side, and she stared up at me with curious eyes, an inscrutable expression on her face. I joined her on the couch, rubbing her back gently.

“I did,” I said. “Does that bother you?”

She studied my face for a long time before answering. “No, I just thought maybe it was a test.”

“A test?” I suppressed a laugh. “How so?”

She sat up and turned her body so that she was facing me.

“Well, you weren't too happy to hear about my mom with Marlon – which is understandable,” she said. “So, I was just thinking that you were testing me. To see if I were loyal, or if I followed in my mom's footsteps.”

This time, I couldn't suppress the chuckle, and my laughter seemed to upset Ember. She scowled at me and put a little distance between us. Reaching out, I pulled her into me and kissed the top of her head.

“No, Ember. I was not testing you,” I said, a smile still playing on my lips. “I know you're nothing like Lydia. Nothing at all.”

“Then why?” she asked.

“Because I like sharing? I like the women I care about to derive pleasure in any way they can,” I said. “I want them to sate any desire they may have – even if that desire is my best friend.”

She sat up again so she could stare at me, her adorable face twisted up in a look of pure confusion. I kissed the tip of her nose.

“But how is that any different than my mom cheating on you with Marlon?”

“Because it's not cheating if both parties say it's okay. It's the lying and sneaking I can't get behind, not the sex,” I said.

Seeing that it still confused her, I tried to put it another way.

“Your mother lied to me,” I said flatly. “She didn't consider my feelings in the slightest. You, on the other hand, are different. You've shown me nothing but honesty since the first moment we met. I trust you. Even though I hardly know you, you've given me no reason to doubt you.”

“So it was a test?”
