Page 183 of Her Best Men

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She wiped her hands on a napkin then picked up my box and I could feel my heart hammering into my chest. Suddenly, I was self-conscious about the present. What if she didn’t like it? What if she thought I was a weirdo? What if she threw it back at my face and laughed at me?

She gently unwrapped it, making sure to not rip the paper before she slid the wooden jewelry box from its confines.

She gasped, her fingertips running over the lyrics to a song we used to listen to every day together. It was the summer after she’d graduated from high school and we were both obsessed with it.

“Glitter in the air,” Kyra said breathlessly. “Where in the world did you get this?”

“I made it,” I said, shrugging.

I saw tears crest her eyes before she launched herself from her seat and wrapped her arms around me. I held her close to me, feeling her sniffle against the crook of my neck as she buried her face into my skin. I pulled back and lifted her chin toward me, her eyes meeting mine before I slowly dipped my lips down to hers.

But the moment I did, I felt her stiffen before she lightly pulled way.

“Thank you so much,” she said. “It’s beautiful.”

“You’re welcome,” I said. “Anytime.”

She sat there and continued to eat, but she didn’t say another word. I walked over and poured myself a glass of juice, sitting across from her while I watched her. Something seemed off all of a sudden and, in an instant, I regretted last night. I fought the doubts that besieged my system, but a terrifying thought crawled across my mind.

Had we forced her into something she didn’t want to do last night? Was she upset over what happened?

Holy fuck, did she feel like we’d taken advantage of her?

We’d all followed her lead and I even stopped everything to make sure she was okay. She kept waving off drinks from Chance, openly saying she wanted to stay sober and keep a decent head on her shoulders. Hell, she even said outright she wanted us all to fuck her.

But even still, we’d all been a little drunk.

As I sat there and sipped my juice, I prayed she didn’t regret what we did last night. I prayed she didn’t feel taken advantage of and I hoped to the heavens this didn’t destroy our friendship.

But more than that, I hoped she didn’t regret the attention I showed her. I hoped she didn’t regret the way my lips met hers or the way my hands ran through her hair. I hoped she didn’t regret the connection I knew we had while she rode my hips, bringing us both to a bliss I’d only ever met in my dreams.

I hoped she didn’t regret me because I knew I could never regret her.


I entered the kitchen and nodded at Harper sitting at the table. Kyra was dropping her plate in the sink, looking more beautiful than I remembered from last night. I went up to her and snaked my arms around her, wanting to feel her warmth against my bare chest.

But the moment she felt my arms, she stiffened within them.

I immediately backed off to give her some space. I could only imagine what she was feeling, especially since we had all been taken by surprise. Kyra maneuvered away from the sink and over toward the kitchen door and, all the while, her shoulders were taut and pulled back.

“I should get on home,” she said. “Hopefully before my dad wakes up.”

“I’ll walk ya home,” I said.

“That would be nice, thank you.”

She slipped out of the kitchen, probably to go find her clothes, and I grabbed a slice of toast. I bit into it and walked over to Harper, glancing down at my brother who was obviously brooding. Harper was always brooding but if he’d tried to touch her this morning and she reacted the same way to him, then he was already in his head for the day.

That was just how he was.

“How is she?” I asked.

But all Harper did was shrug.

Kyra came back into the kitchen, wearing her rumpled clothes from last night’s party. She picked up a wooden box from the table, something I’d never seen before, and then she made her way to the back door.

I followed her outside and we quickly crossed the lawn, which brought back memories that made me smile.
