Page 28 of Her Best Men

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“I really don’t know if I want to take that job,” she said.

“Then don’t.”

“But I need the money.”

“Then apply for other jobs,” he said.

“It could take months for me to find something else.”

“Then I’m sure we could find somethin’ for you to do ‘round here ‘til you get the money you need. You told me you wanted to open your own practice, right? Best case scenario?”

“I mean, yeah. But it would take me close to a year to become profitable and build up a regular client base,” I said.

“You’re gettin’ too overwhelmed with all the possibilities. Just take a breath and let’s walk through this,” he said.

“Fine, fine. Okay.”

“Ya took care of your apartment issue. Check. Now, we got the job issue.”


He said we.

I enjoyed the fact that he was saying “we.”

“If you don’t want to go to the job you thought you had, then I’m sure there’s somethin’ you could do here. We got in-house counsel for certain situations. I’m sure there’s a spot you could fill in our legal department.”

“But it’s still not what I want to do. I don’t want to work for a massive company like the resort.”

“But you also said you’re gonna have to do what you don’t wanna do to get the money you need. Least you could do is be around a place you like with people you like,” he said.

“I guess you guys are okay,” I said with a grin.

“Just okay?”

I looked up into Wyatt’s eyes and felt my knees growing weak. I wanted to kiss him again. I wanted to be in his arms again. I felt myself gravitating toward him, closing the gap between our two bodies as his hand descended onto my hip. I tilted my head back to keep his beautiful green eyes in view. Those light green eyes that reflected the beauty of the sun at our backs.

“Why are you here?” Wyatt asked.

His voice had dropped a register, and it shivered up my spine.

“Partially to clear my head,” I said breathlessly. “Partially to see you.”

“You wantin’ more of me?” he asked.

“That wasn’t my intention,” I said. “To—you know. Do more of what we did. I just wanted to see you.”

I watched him look all around us before his eyes found mine again. His arms slipped around my waist, pressing into my lower back. I fell into his embrace, my hands planting against his strong chest as our lips connected. Fire burst through my veins as my eyes fluttered shut, and I could feel the massaging of his tongue against my lips.

I opened myself to him, moaning as his tongue caressed mine. He backed me into a tree, the bark scratching my back as I ground into him. His hands were running up and down my sides, squeezing me in all the places he could reach. I ran my palms along his broad shoulders, feeling his strength throbbing for me as I gasped for breath.

He drew back from me, my lips swollen from his assault as our eyes met once more.

Then, I saw him look around again. Like we were being watched.

“What are you doing?” I asked with a giggle.

“Just makin’ sure no one’s watchin’,” Wyatt said.
