Page 32 of Her Best Men

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“Honestly, Katie? I’m just glad you’re not crushed after your weddin’ to that asshole fell through. You're gettin’ back out there. Not lettin’ your past with him rule your life. That’s a good fuckin’ thing. I was worried you’d dwell on this shit for too long. And I know it feels like your life is kinda upendin’ itself quickly, but ya had plans and they failed, so shit’s gotta change. Nothin’ wrong with that. Just gotta roll with the punches. The bright side is this: you’re gettin’ good dick, ya got a place to live, and ya got a job you’re about to start.”

“Eh, sort of,” I said.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I’m actually not too worried about that right now,” I said. “So, any advice?”

“On what?”

“On how to approach this stuff with the brothers?”

“I mean, sure. Fuck ‘em both if ya get the chance.”

“Why did I expect anything other than that?”

“I don’t know. Your fault. Anyway, I’m kinda in the middle of work, and my boss is givin’ me the stink eye. But when you sleep with someone, do me a favor.”

“What?” I asked.

“Don’t fuckin’ wait two days to tell me ‘bout it.”

I laughed as I hung up the phone and relaxed into the chair. I closed my eyes, allowing the sun to shine on my face as I drew in a deep breath. One step at a time. That was really good advice. Things were falling into place slowly but surely, and all I had to do was keep doing what I was doing.

Especially if that meant doing Wyatt.



The day of the reunion was upon us and, in wonderful Lee fashion, shit still wasn’t fuckin’ done. And since I was the only one not working at the resort that day, I was tasked with filling in all the damn holes my brothers created when they said they’d do shit but didn’t. I had to finish up the grocery shopping and get those trash can bags that could fit a small fuckin’ army. I had to make sure we had enough propane to grill out and see about possibly getting another damn grill altogether. Caleb didn’t inform me that his was broken until the morning of the damn thing which meant I now had to figure out how the fuck we were going to feed one hundred-plus people on one damn grill.

Leave it to fuckin’ Caleb.

Then, there were the activities: movies for the kids and cornhole for the adults drinking because of their kids. I had to make sure we had enough beer, and I still had to come up with two more activities to entertain a bunch of drunk adults.


The day was going to be painful enough as it was, but it did present an advantage. I had Katie’s number on account of telling her I’d call her when Caleb found a job for her here. Which meant I could see what she was up to.

Maybe see if she wanted to come with me.


“Hey there, beautiful. How ya doin’?”

“Hey, Andrew,” Katie said. “What’s up? Did Caleb find something?”

“Not just yet. Things are sorta on hold since this family reunion thing is goin’ on today. Speakin’ of, I gotta run into town for a whole lotta shit. Wanna come along?”

“Um, sure, yeah. That would actually work out better. Since I’m coming and all.”

“I’m glad you decided to come. I know people are gonna love to see ya,” I said.

“I’ll send you my address. Just give me, like, thirty minutes to piece myself together. If you get here and I can’t answer, though, Lizzie might be here. She’s dropping off something she borrowed.”

“Not a problem. See ya in thirty.”

“See you soon, Andrew.”
