Page 349 of Her Best Men

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As I shopped, I realized just how much I loved living in Ennis. The town square was full of unique shops. I stopped in at the handmade plate shop and browsed for a while. There wasn’t anything for Julie, but it was still nice to spend time just hanging out in town.

When I finally made it to Annabelle’s, I knew Marcy had been right. The first thing I saw was a line of handmade jewelry. I moved quickly to the display and began thumbing through the necklaces. A few caught my eye, but nothing seemed like Julie.

“Can I help you with anything?” Annabelle said from behind me.

I spun around to see the kind old woman standing there. She smiled at me and patted my arm as we turned back to the jewelry display.

“Who are you buying for today?” she asked.

“Julie,” I said. “She’s new in town. I don’t know if you’ve met her yet, but—”

“Julie Black?” Annabelle asked. “She came in just a few days ago to buy a gift for her sister. She seems like a nice girl.”

“She’s amazing,” I said quickly. “And I want to get her something equally amazing.”

“Jewelry?” Annabelle asked.

“Anything,” I said.

Annabelle nodded and made her way toward the back of the shop. I followed her slowly, wondering what she was looking for.

She ducked behind the counter for a few seconds. When she returned, she was carrying a closed box. It was plain with no writing or images on the front. Annabelle set it on the counter and opened it gently.

“What is it?” I asked, taking a step closer.

“I’ve had this hidden away for years,” Annabelle said. “But it might be what you’re looking for.”

From inside the box, Annabelle pulled out a crystal Christmas tree that sparkled in the shop lights. It was beautiful, and the second I saw it, I remembered kissing Julie in front of the Christmas tree in the town square. It was the perfect gift.



Michael tried to see me twice on Wednesday, but I just wasn’t ready. If I saw him, I knew I would tell him everything about my plan to see Joshua. I wouldn’t be able to keep it from him if we were in the same room. Deep down, I knew it was a mistake to hide this, but I didn’t know what else to do. If Michael insisted I not see Joshua, then what? Would I listen? Would I ignore him and do it anyway?

It was easier to just push Michael to the side for a couple of days. All I needed to do was get through this dinner with Joshua— just one more dinner—and then, everything could go back to normal between Michael and me.

As much as I told myself everything would be okay, I was still shaking from head to toe when I got behind the wheel of my car that night. Joshua wanted to meet in Dallas because of his residency schedule. I didn’t mind. The drive would help me clear my head and prepare me for seeing him again.

Still, when I parked my car outside of the restaurant, I didn’t get out right away. I clung to the steering wheel and took a few deep, calming breaths. My nerves were a mess and they had been for days. Nothing I did helped me calm down. I only hoped that, after talking to Joshua, I would feel somewhat better about our situation.

I planned to drive straight to Michael’s house after dinner. After I heard what Joshua had to say, I would tell Michael everything. I didn’t want any secrets between us, but I also knew I needed to deal with Joshua before things could progress with Michael.

With my hands still trembling, I shoved open my car door and made my way inside. I stuffed my hands into my coat pockets when I saw Joshua sitting at a table in the back. The last thing I needed was for him to see me shaking.

“Hey,” I said when I stepped up to the table.

“Hi.” Joshua smiled and jumped up quickly. He moved toward me as if he wanted a hug, but I sank into my chair before he could reach me.

I was willing to talk to him, but I wasn’t willing to hug him like nothing ever happened between us. Joshua’s face fell but he quickly recovered and sat back down. His smile was familiar and sweet. He looked like he was genuinely happy to see me, which was not what I’d been expecting. Not after all the ugly accusations he’d hurled at me the other night.

“Thank you for coming,” Joshua said. “I didn’t think you would.”

“Neither did I,” I said honestly. “But you said you wanted to talk.”

“I do,” Joshua said with a nod. “Let’s order first.”

