Page 351 of Her Best Men

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“You had to have known who he was,” Joshua said. “You did this just to get back at me.”

“No.” I shook my head. “Trust me. I never would have gone out with Michael if I knew who he was. But I didn’t know. And I did go out with him. And I don’t regret it.”

“Why the hell not?” Joshua asked. He was furious now. He wasn’t used to being told no, especially when it came to me.

“Because he’s amazing,” I said.

“You really had no idea who he was?” Joshua asked skeptically. “No clue?”

“How would I have known?” I asked, frustrated now. “You never let me meet him. Even after I helped you find him, you refused to let me be involved. I never even knew his name, Joshua.”

Joshua glared at me, trying to decide whether he believed me. He didn’t want to. It was easier for him to be angry if he thought I was being malicious.

“Well,” he said. “Michael sure as hell knew.”

I blinked. “What?”

“You may not have known who Michael was,” Joshua said slowly. “But he knew about you from the very beginning.”

Before I could even process his words, my head was shaking from side to side. He was wrong. There was no way Michael knew I was Joshua’s ex. It wasn’t possible. When we met, he was just a stranger in a café. I was just some girl he saw. He never knew I was connected to his brother. He couldn’t have.

“You’re lying,” I said boldly. “Michael told me he didn’t know who I was. After we had dinner with you, he said he didn’t know.”

“He lied to you,” Joshua said simply. “Michael’s known about you since he and I first met.”

“I don’t believe you,” I said.

“You don’t have to,” Joshua said. A satisfied grin spread across his face. I longed to reach across the table and slap him.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked weakly. “Because I said no? Because I’ve moved on? Because I’m happy without you?”

“No.” The smile fell from his face. “Because it’s the truth, Julie.”

“It’s not.” It couldn’t be. I refused to believe him.

“Look,” Joshua said. “When I said I still love you, I meant it. I love you, Julie. I always have, and I think I probably always will. Nothing can change that.”

“That doesn’t matter anymore,” I snapped. “Not to me.”

“Maybe not,” Joshua said. “But it means I wouldn’t lie to you. I just wouldn’t.”

I stared at him in disbelief. Why was he doing this to me? After he broke my heart, I spent so long just trying to crawl out of my hole. When I finally did, I felt stronger and more like myself. Meeting Michael was a breath of fresh air. It was like the universe had given me a gift. Now, Joshua was hellbent on taking that away from me.

“Michael wouldn’t lie to me,” I said weakly.

“He did.” Joshua’s voice was firm. “When he and I first met, I told him all about you. He knew your name, Julie. First and last. He even told me he looked you up on Facebook, so he knew what you looked like, long before you ever stepped foot in Ennis.”

I shook my head slowly. This was insane.

“No,” I said.

“I’m sorry,” Joshua said softly. “I didn’t want to hurt you, but you should know the truth.”

I couldn’t listen to another word. I jumped out of my chair, leaving my food untouched. Without looking back, I ran out of the restaurant and didn’t stop until I reached my car. I slid myself behind the wheel and cranked the engine. As I sped out of the parking lot, I caught a glimpse of Joshua hurrying outside. I didn’t slow down. I pressed harder on the gas and disappeared around the corner.

My heart was racing in my chest as I hurried toward home. I’d planned to go to Michael’s immediately after my dinner with Joshua. I wanted to see him, to talk to him, to kiss him. I just wanted to be with him without the memory of his brother hanging over our heads.

Instead, I knew I couldn’t see him. Not yet. Maybe not ever.
