Page 354 of Her Best Men

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“Julie…” I began, but she cut me off with a look.

“Just answer the question,” she said. “Is it true?”


“Did you know who I was?” she demanded. “That day in the café, when you first spoke to me, did you know who I was?”


Julie’s eyes closed, and her hands slowly moved to cover her mouth. She shook her head from side to side, pain etched in every line of her face. In that moment, I realized she was hoping for a different answer. She wanted Josh to be lying. She wanted to believe I would never deceive her. She wanted to trust me.

My heart felt like it was being stomped on. I took a small step forward and reached out to Julie. The second her eyes flew open, she jumped backward and glared at me with renewed anger.

“Get the hell out of my house,” she snapped.

“Please, just hear me out first,” I said. “Please.”

“There’s nothing left to say.” Julie’s voice was tight. Her eyes were swimming with the tears she’d been holding back.

“There is,” I said. My voice was weak. I could feel my eyes start to burn. “Please. There are things you don’t know, things you don’t understand.”

“Did you know I was Julie Black?” she asked.


“Did you know I was your brother’s ex-girlfriend?” she asked.


“And you didn’t say anything,” she said weakly. “You just let me… You let me sleep with you… Fall for you… You…”

Words were starting to fail her. She glared at me, her eyes flashing dangerously, and I knew the conversation was over. There was nothing I could say to make things right. Not anymore.

“I can’t just leave,” I said. “Not without explaining myself.”

“I don’t want to hear it,” Julie said. “Leave.”

“No,” I began, but Julie’s answering glare was enough to make me stagger backward. I’d never seen anyone look so hurt, so broken.

“Get out.”

I stood there for another few seconds, just staring into her eyes and silently begging her to understand. She didn’t. Instead, she looked away, and I crumbled.

With a nod, I turned toward the door. My heart felt heavy as I took my first step forward.

“Take that with you,” Julie said firmly. “Whatever it is.”

When I turned around, she was pointing at the box I’d laid down earlier. I’d all but forgotten about that damn Christmas tree. I hurried over to pick it up, and then I practically ran out of the fr

ont door without a word.

I couldn’t have said anything if I’d wanted to. My throat was tight, and my eyes burned with repressed tears. As I drove home, I finally let the first one fall. I’d never hated myself more than I did right then.



The second Michael walked out the door, I collapsed in a heap on the floor. All my strength was sapped from my body as tears finally fell from my eyes. I’d been holding them back, determined not to cry in front of Michael. But once he was gone, I couldn’t hold myself together for another second. I sobbed as I hit the floor, a pitiful cry ripped itself free from my chest, and Andrea rushed out of my bedroom.
