Page 367 of Her Best Men

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“How do you know that?” I asked.

Bethany shrugged. “I looked at your phone.”

“Seriously?” I snapped.

“I’m your big sister,” Bethany said. “If I can’t pry, then who can?”

“You’re insane.” I shook my head, but Bethany was totally unfazed.

“Just call him,” Bethany said. “You miss him.”

“I do,” I said with a sigh. “I wish we could have spent today together. I wanted him to meet you and Bryan and Layla. I was even willing to bring him around Mom and Dad.”

“Poor guy,” Bethany said.

I glared at her. “But then everything changed,” I said.

“I know it did,” Bethany said. “But who says you can’t change it back?”

“Because life doesn’t work that way,” I said defiantly. “You can’t just snap your fingers and make things perfect again.”

“Look,” Bethany said. She moved closer to me. “The only thing standing in your way right now is you. You’re miserable, and it’s all your fault.”

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

“I’m serious,” Bethany said. “I know you’re hurting. I know Joshua messed you up and that this whole thing with Michael is complicated and painful. Okay? I get that. But right now, all you can do is move forward.”

“How do I do that?” I asked.

“You either let go,” Bethany said. “And forget about both Michael and Joshua for good. Or you call the man you love to make things right.”

“Love?” I blinked.

“We both know how you feel,” Bethany said. “So, don’t try to deny it.”

I looked down at my shoes. Bethany wasn’t wrong. My feelings for Michael were stronger than I ever imagined they could be. Despite all the pain he’d caused me, I still couldn’t shake him. Letting go was impossible when it meant cutting Michael out of my life forever. No matter how hurt I was, I knew I’d never be able to do that.

“We have to get Layla home,” Bethany said. “Just think about it, okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I will.”

Bethany kissed the top of my head and then disappeared back inside. I stayed where I was, frozen on my parents’ back porch with my mind spinning in circles. I had a million options in front of me, a million paths I could take. But none of them felt right. The only thing I wanted to do was keep hiding. From Michael. From Joshua. From everything.

Even as I thought it, I knew I was being immature. Hiding wouldn’t solve anything. I’d spent days dodging Michael’s phone calls and ignoring my own feelings. The only thing I’d accomplished was pushing my own happiness further and further away.

I knew Bethany was right. The only thing stopping me from being with Michael was my own selfish pride. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of answering his phone calls or returning his text messages. I wanted him to feel alone and ashamed. I wanted him to feel guilty about everything he put me through.

But none of that was right. It didn’t make sense. I missed him so much that it hurt and, still, I continued to hide from him. I wasn’t just hurting Michael, I was hurting myself. As I sat outside with my blanket wrapped tightly around me, I finally caved in to my true desires.

The phone only rang twice before Michael picked up. I melted when I heard his voice slip through the phone.

“Hi,” Michael said. “I’m surprised you called.”

“I thought it was about time,” I said.

“I’m glad you did,” he said quickly. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas.”
