Page 46 of Her Best Men

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“Was she good? What’d she look like? Wait, did you get drunk and screw one of our cousins? We’re supposed to be a classy country joint. Not a trashy one.”

“I didn’t have sex with one of our cousins, you idiot,” he said.

“There’s the Dylan I know.”

“Way to sour the mood,” he said.

“Come on. Ya gotta gimme somethin’,” I said. “What was her name?”

“No,” he said.

“Don’t think you’ve screwed anyone with that name before, but everyone likes somethin’ different.”

“You’re a dick. I’m gettin’ back to work,” he said.

“Come on. You’re not gonna gimme anythin’?”


I watched him walk away with that pep in his step when a thought crossed my mind. Dylan got laid last night. Katie stayed here in the hotel last night. Was it possible Katie was the woman he slept with? Did she just lie to me about why she stayed here last night?

I needed another cup of coffee. I was in no position to keep unpacking shit like that unless I was more awake. I grabbed another cup of coffee and snatched the file folder off the table, then pushed all those insane thoughts to the back of my mind. I needed to find this housekeeper. And if she wasn’t here, then I needed to call her. Lying on an employment application was a crime in the state of Texas.

That was what I had to do. Focus on drinking coffee, working, and getting everything in order for this Charleston build. With Katie gone home, she wouldn’t be a distraction to anyone, and hopefully, that would clear my head of all the questions running through it.

Like why the hell she’d want to screw around with “no commitment” Dylan when she could have me.



“We got a call with investors this mornin’, Katie. Can ya make sure the guests are taken care of?” I asked.

“Sure thing, Andrew. You guys need anything for this meeting?” she asked.

“Nah. It’s nothin’ like that. The investors for this new place we’re openin’ wanna see projections of where their money’s gonna go and what it’s gonna net them in the first five years. Ya know, greedy shit like that.”

“Sounds like a blast. Don’t worry. The guests will be taken care of. Though I’m gonna have to be relieved at two.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Your lawyer’s coming in to start me on my training today. He said he’d been here around two.”

“Gotcha. Not a problem. Do whatcha gotta do, and if the meeting tries to take the whole damn day, then I’ll sneak out and relieve ya,” I said.


The meeting was boring as fuck. Dylan had come up with all these graphs to show them, and Caleb was walking everyone through blueprints. Wyatt droned on about how much feed a month the place would need, and Dylan jumped in with how much that would cost. I briefly talked them through the activities and what would be offered as well as outside things the resort could conduct, like weddings and dances and debutante balls and other special events. Dylan had this sprawling graph of the projections of the first five years’ earnings based on how our other resorts did in the first five years, and the investors seemed impressed. It was the last meeting we needed to have with them before we signed off on the construction crew to start building.

Dylan showed them how our profits had doubled over the last quarter, and that really made people excited. The investors started asking bullshit questions, like “Do y’all expect this kinda return in Charleston?” and “Y’all ever thought about takin’ this show to New York?”

New York?

Fuck, we didn’t even have Charleston built yet.

All in all, the damn meeting took almost three hours. But, the investors were happy, and we could officially give the go-ahead for the crew to begin building. That meant a shit-ton of preliminary weight off our shoulders. It also meant fun business trips to Charleston. I could get behind some trips to a place like that. I knew it was right up Dylan’s alley, but he’d need someone to go with him.

And I planned to position myself to be the one to go.
