Page 461 of Her Best Men

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His eyes locked hard onto mine before he turned his head toward the little girl in the corner. I sighed before I mumbled an apology, then began limping over to the doorway.

I needed to get back to the cabin and figure out what the hell my next move was going to be. I’d had enough in savings to last me three months, but now that the cabin wo

uld need extensive repairs, I had no idea how I was going to make it livable on what I had.

I was feeling overwhelmed, and I was ready to leave.

“I’m Lanie,” said a little voice.

“Lanie, back up,” Brian said.

My watery gaze drifted over to the child in the corner as she came up to me.

“Hello, Lanie. I’m Amanda,” I said.

“I hear with my ears,” she said.

“That’s good. What do you do with your eyes?” I asked.

I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as a smile broke out across Lanie’s chubby little cheeks.

“See!” she said.

“Good girl.”

I turned toward the door, but I was halted in my tracks by a small little tug at my jeans.

“Lanie, let her go,” Brian said, sternly.

“Food?” Lanie asked.

My eyes looked over to her nanny who was now scurrying to her side.

“Let’s get you something to eat,” she said.

“No. Amanda food,” Lanie said.

“Are you asking me if I’m hungry?” I asked.

“I think she is,” the nanny said.

“Tanya, right?” I asked, recalling the name Brian had used when he’d spoken to her.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“No ‘ma’am’ necessary,” I said, smiling. “I have food back at my place,” I lied. It was clear Brian didn’t want me here, and though he was nice to look at, he was kind of a cocky asshole.

“Food with us?” Lanie asked.


Brian’s voice was stern and caused me to jump. It was a tone of voice I’d heard many times when I was with Daryl. That tone of voice that spoke of controlling intent and disapproval. Hearing that tone drip from Brian’s lips only fueled the anger that bubbled in my gut whenever I thought of that pathetic bastard.

“How about this?” I asked as I looked at Lanie. “When I get my cabin repaired, you can come over anytime you want, and I’ll cook us something.”

“Pancakes?” Lanie asked.

“That’s enough, sweetheart,” Tanya said.
