Page 51 of Her Best Men

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“Put it in the fridge,” Whitney said.

“I know the rules, damn. I got y’all, ‘kay?” Lizzie asked. “So, what’s this I hear ‘bout you tellin’ someone somethin’?”

“I told Dylan about my drinking,” I said.

“‘Bout damn time you told someone. Whit-Whit and I ain’t gonna always be around to watch ya.”

“Don’t call me that,” Whitney said.

“Whatcha gonna do? Reach through the camera?” Lizzie asked as she handed me a slice of pizza.

“Thanks. This smells great,” I said.

“I got Chinese. You guys can keep your nasty pizza.”

“I ain’t never met a person who don’t like pizza. It’s insane to me,” Lizzie said.

“Okay, okay, okay. So, how are your new jobs coming along?” Whitney asked.

“They’re going well. The front desk stuff is easy, but I just started training for the in-house counsel position today, and that is much harder,” I said.

“Part-time gigs, right?” Lizzie asked.

“Both of them, yes. But if this counsel job gets to be too much, I’m gonna have to

drop the front desk position. I have a lot to read over and learn in the next few days.”

“When’s the last day the lawyer’s gonna be there?” Lizzie asked.

“He has nine more days, I think.”

“Then you take over,” Whitney said. “Right?”

“Yep. I’ll have my own office and everything,” I said.

“Next to one of the brothers?” Lizzie asked.

“Not that it matters, but yes. I’ll be down there by Andrew,” I said.

“Okay, I’m going to come out and ask it. Have you done anything with any of them?” Whitney asked.

“Damn, chick! She gettin’ to it before I do. Okay, I can answer this question. Yes, Whitney, she has,” Lizzie said.

“Wait a second. Lizzie knows, and I don’t?” Whitney asked.

“Shut up, the both of you. If you really want to know, then what I’m about to tell you is top secret. It can’t go anywhere. It has to stay between the three of us.”

“Yeah, yeah. We got it. Now fill me in on what Lizzie knows that I don’t,” Whitney said.

“What Lizzie knows is that I’ve slept with Wyatt,” I said.

“That the young one?” Whitney asked.


“Oh, he’s cute. Baby-faced, but cute. Dylan’s more my type, though. I like the suits he wears,” Whitney said.

“Then you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve slept with him, too.”
