Page 93 of Her Best Men

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“So, you did give her a reason to doubt you,” I said.

“The fuck does that mean?”

“Katie said she wanted all of us or none of us. But she doesn’t think it can happen because of you. The fuck did you say to her?” I asked.

“Wait. Katie wants all of us?” he asked.

“Yes, you asshat. She wants all of us. She wants to be shared and loved by all of us. Want to let that sink in a second?”

I watched him falter as he shook his head, running his massive hand through his hair.

“I told her I understood,” Wyatt said.


“When I told her ‘bout the meetin’ we all had together without her, she told me she didn’t think she could choose. She hadn’t made a decision yet or nothin’, so I was hopin’ maybe she still would.”

“What did ya say to her? ‘Cause she’s under the impression ya don’t approve,” I said.

“I said I got it, then I left.”

“Ya left.”

“Yeah. I left,” he said.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you? Ya actin’ like you ain’t never been around a woman before!”

“What was I supposed to do? I want her to choose me! I don’t wanna share her beauty and her spirit with my older brothers, man!”

“That ain’t your choice,” I said. “And besides, ya love her, right? That’s been your shtick this entire time. You’ve loved her longer than any of us have?”

“Well, yeah,” he said.

“So, if ya really love her, and this is what she wants, why you out here throwin’ some toddler tantrum ‘bout it? Buck up. Be a man. Give her what she wants. Try it out, for her. Because ya love her, and it’s what she wants from ya.”

“That’s really her decision?” he asked.

“Yep. She even admitted up there she was in love with ya. For what reason, I ain’t gotta clue. But she’s crazy about ya and worried ‘bout what you’ll think of her now.”

“I don’t think any less of her.”

“You sure as hell got a weird way of showin’ it. You ready for the other part of this?”

“There’s more?” he asked.

“Yep. She admitted to wantin’ to be with all of us. At once.”

I watched Wyatt’s eyes darken just like my brothers had, and I knew I had him. None of us wanted to admit it, but those were our favorite fuckin’ encounters. The ones with women who wanted all of us at once. Who wanted us to stuff her full and watch her squirm as we took what we wanted from her.

And now we all had the opportunity to do that with the greatest woman in the fuckin’ world.

“All right,” Wyatt said. “I’ll give it a shot.”



I stumbled into one of the empty resort suites Dylan had opened for us as Wyatt plunged his tongue into my mouth. When he had walked into that break room and smiled at me, tears of happiness welled in my eyes. I was so excited that he was on board, and all I knew to do was kiss him. My entire body wanted him at that moment. That moment when I knew he wasn’t angry with me any longer.
