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The texts were short and sweet, just a simple “How are you today?” and she'd answer the same way, every single day.

“Good,” she said. “But no ovulation yet.”

I was starting to think this was hopeless, but Dr. Welch assured me that Casey was in good health and didn't appear to have any fertility issues. She was young, in good shape and STD free. No history of disease or other health problems. Even her family history looked pretty good, according to the doctor.

I kept asking Casey to come out with me – asking her to lunch or dinner, or one time, just to talk. She was a busy little bee, however, and kept turning me down. Probably for the best, I knew we couldn't actually date. Not because of what Terrance had said, but simply, I wasn't ready for a relationship. Not to mention the fact that a relationship with the surrogate who'd eventually carry my baby was just plain awkward to think about.

She kept things professional, which I admired. But, as the days wore on, part of me yearned for something more than a quick text exchange. Before the arrangement, I actually had enjoyed her company. She made me laugh more than anyone I'd ever known. I was so used to submissive women letting me call all the shots, but Casey was different. She didn't take shit from anyone, me included.

Part of me fantasized what sex with her would be like. I was sure we'd both fight for dominance, but in the end, I'd win. I'd tame her in the bedroom, or at least I had fun imagining what it would be like. Since we'd be doing the deed on a schedule, it wasn't like we could spontaneously fall into each other's arms. I hoped it wouldn't be awkward, but this was a first for me.

That morning, I'd texted her and was waiting for a response. It took longer than usual, but I tried not to worry. Figured she was just busy doing whatever it was she did. Come to think of it, I had no idea what she did for fun, or what her family life was like. I knew so little about her.

She was mysterious and beautiful and amazing, and exactly what I didn't need in that moment. I tried to focus on work, but found myself checking my phone every few minutes, eagerly waiting for a reply. Finally, when my phone buzzed, I snatched it up off my desk in a hurry and read the message.

I read it and re-read it several times over, and it still took me a long time to believe what it said.

It's time. I'm ovulating, so we should get together soon.

I stared at her message, my hands trembling. It was time. Not knowing for sure how long we had, I grabbed my jacket and started texting her as I walked out of my office.

I was on my phone, not watching where I was going, and that was a mistake. Adam and I nearly collided, though I suspected he'd done it on purpose. “Where you off to, Malcolm?” he asked. “A little early for lunch, don't you think?”

Lunch. Yeah, not quite. Food was the last thing on my mind. Not like I wanted to tell him I was headed out for some afternoon delight, it was none of his business.

“I have a meeting,” I said.

“A meeting?” he asked, looking perplexed. “Funny, I didn't see anything on your schedule. I was just coming by to talk about the marketing plan you put together. I had a few ideas I wanted you to consider.”

“Last minute, sorry,” I said as I pushed past Adam and yelled back at him, “Talk to Alyssa and have her schedule you in for tomorrow, maybe?”

I had no idea how long I'd be with Casey. Better clear off the rest of my schedule for today. With a quick word to my assistant, Alyssa, I was good to go. I didn't want to do the deed and leave, that seemed like a dick move. Then again, she might find it awkward to cuddle afterward.

I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, and I had a feeling Casey was going to be just as nervous as me. Probably more so. After all, I wasn't the one getting pregnant.

I'd texted Casey the address of a hotel. Figured neutral ground would be better than either of our places. Besides, my mom was home most of the day, and the last thing I needed was her prying eyes and ears.

Moms are natural boner killers, it goes without saying. Not knowing Casey's familial situation, I figured I shouldn't make assumptions. Her parents could be home too, for all I knew. I thought she said she lived with them, but I couldn't be sure. Hell, I had the condo, but Danielle walking in on us would certainly ruin the mood too. Although, it might be worth it, just to see the look on her face.

A hotel was the best option, and I just prayed Casey didn't feel like a prostitute. That was the last thing I wanted. I owed her, big time, for everything she was doing, and I didn't think she'd ever understand just how much it all meant to me.

Casey texted me back as I climbed into my car. A simple one letter answer, K. She then followed it up with another text. I'm heading over there now.


I'll admit, I could have done better. The Hilton wasn't exactly the type of place I typically stay at, but it was close by and would have to do. It wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't like we were on a vacation get away. It was literally just for a few hours. Maybe less, depending on how everything went down.

I got there before Casey and sent her a text with the room number. My stomach in knots, I paced the room, waiting for what felt like an eternity before there was a knock on the door. I pulled open the door, and there she stood. My heart stopped for a moment as we saw each other for the first time in days.

She wore a sundress, pale pink and white. It illuminated her features and brought out the warmth in her skin that I hadn't noticed before. Her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders, around the curve of her chin and down her back and over her chest.

We locked eyes, and she smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back at her, and all the anxiety from earlier vanished away. I could do this. She was a beautiful woman, and all we had to do was have sex. Sex with her was going to be easy, I realized, as she entered the room. I tried not to stare at her ass but failed. The dress highlighted her small waist and the curves of her hips and bottom delightfully.

“Well, hello there,” I said.

She turned and looked up at me through thick, black lashes, her hazel eyes sparkl

