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“I have no doubt you will,” Lila said, grinning at me as we walked away.

I turned and looked over my shoulder, and she waved at me, her eyes sparkling, a wide smile on her face. My heart was racing, and my mom's voice echoed through my head, telling me good girls didn't do things like this. Good girls didn't go upstairs to private rooms with men they just met. Good girls didn't need safe words.

I looked up at Gavin and in that moment, I lost myself in those dark, sensual eyes and realized that I didn't even care what my mom's voice was saying. If being a good girl meant I'd have to miss out on being with him, then fuck it. I wanted to see what being a bad girl felt like.

Chapter Four


Josie was a rare breed of woman, I could tell that from our first meeting. So pure, so submissive, and yet yearning for something she didn't understand. I knew a good submissive when I saw one. After years of being a professional dominant, I could spot one a mile away. It was like they had big neon lights flashing over their heads.

Sure, there were some women who enjoyed light spanking or bondage, and they were fun enough. But, there were other women out there who liked a strong man. Who yearned for a man who took control and forced them to leave their inhibitions behind, to let them explore parts of themselves they didn't even know existed. Darker parts of themselves. A woman who wanted a man to dig deep into their souls and find their deepest, most intimate desires and needs.

Josie was the latter kind of woman, and I knew I was going to have a lot of fun with this diminutive little peach. With her wide, baby blue eyes, and soft, pale skin, she was the epitome of innocence. Her red hair was wavy and brought

out the smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose.

I was going to have fun spanking that pale ass of hers, and watching her eyes roll back into her head as I brought her to orgasm over and over again. There was no doubt about the fact that she was going to enjoy every little thing I did to her.

We stepped into the elevator at the back of the club intended only for the elite—platinum members and above. Another couple joined us, an older man with graying hair and a mustache, who looked about as terrified as Josie did. The woman on his arm was someone I knew well, a fellow dom who frequented the cruise ship. Crimson was her preferred name, and it matched her blood red hair well. She smiled and winked at me, drinking in my submissive with hungry eyes.

I paid no attention to her. I had a thing for redheads, but Crimson was another story. Too dominant for me. I preferred my women to be soft, feminine and willing to do as I said, when I said it.

Josie looked over at the other woman and her eyes grew wider and a slight shudder passed through her body. She seemed fixated on Crimson's leather jumpsuit, admiring the curves of her body, seemingly completely oblivious to her own curvaceous appeal.

I smirked at Crimson as I slipped my hand around Josie's back, lowering it until I grabbed a handful of that luscious ass of hers. Josie squealed and jumped, then looked over at me with wide eyes and an expression of shock on her face.

“Keep your eyes on me,” I demanded.

Josie hesitated, then nodded, not looking away as I slipped my hand up her dress. Her panties were briefs, practically covering her entire ass and pussy, but I could feel the warmth and wetness in the crotch. The heat from her sweet little pussy permeated the cotton material. It felt like there was a blazing fire between her thighs. Her eyes flickered, as she became nervous, glancing at the other couple who were standing there watching us.

With my free hand, I grabbed hold of her face and turned it back to me.

“I said, look at me, Josie,” I said, my voice low and gruff. “Look at nothing and nobody but me.”

I was stern, but patient. She was a new pet. It would take time to break her in, time we probably didn't have together. It was a shame since I really wanted to make her mine. She was a rare gift, and I lamented the fact that I'd only be able to play with it for a short time.

I slipped a finger into her panties, and she gasped. Now was as good a time as any to explain safe words to her, I figured.

“If at any time, you want me to stop,” I said, “You need to remember a safe word. Something other than no or stop, because those words get tossed around too freely sometimes and I don't want our lines to be crossed or blurred. I want to be sure you are comfortable at all times and know that you have the power and control to stop everything that’s happening.”

She nodded.

“How about our safe word? “Crimson,”” I said, winking at the woman sharing my elevator.

I held her chin with my fingers, forcing her to make eye contact with me. She stared into my eyes and again, she nodded. I saw the fear in her eyes, but I also saw the glimmer of excitement. The spark of something more—lust, perhaps? Anticipation? I wasn't sure, but I could tell that she was excited.

The elevator stopped, and Crimson walked out with the man in tow, smacking his ass and telling him to hurry up. Josie started to follow her out, but I stopped her.

“Not yet, my pet,” I said.

I pressed the button to close the doors, and Josie remained in the elevator with me. Before pushing a button to go up another level, though—the level I was staying on—I pressed her against the back of the elevator and kissed her lips, sliding my tongue into her mouth.

She gasped, and at first it felt like she might push me away, but her hands were balled up on my chest and then slowly, she unclenched them, laying the palms of her hands against me. She didn't push me off. Instead, I found her mouth welcoming to my tongue, and I savored the sweet coconut taste of her.

That I enjoyed the taste of the drink was one reason I ordered that drink for her, of course. The other reason was because it was non-alcoholic. In my opinion, when you dabble in BDSM with a new sub, you never want their inhibitions lowered. You wanted them to be in the moment, wanting it, craving it not because they were drunk or high, but because they needed you in the most primal way possible.

And judging by the way Josie reacted to my kiss, I knew she was already under my control very willingly.
