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“It’s this damn town,” Janie said. “Everyone here has known everyone else since the womb. We can’t find any new meat, literally!”

I chuckled over her joke “I don’t think it needs to be new,” I said. “Just thoughtful. Sophisticated.”

“Do you really think we’re going to find anyone sophisticated in Telluride?” Janie asked.

“Probably not,” I admitted with a laugh. “I just wish something would change around here, you know?”

“Oh!” Janie said suddenly, her eyes alive with excitement. “That reminds me! You know Margie, right?”

“Margie Smith?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Janie nodded. ?

?She works at the pizza place now, and she said a hot single dad came in on Thursday night.”

Janie’s eyes were wide, and she looked at me with expectation. I blinked. So far, there wasn’t anything exciting about her news, but I waited for her to continue.

“Margie asked her dad, who works for the real estate office that sold him the house, to do a little digging around,” Janie said. “Apparently, the guy’s wife died a little bit ago, and he decided to move his kids here for a fresh start. They’re young. Like seven and four or something.”

I rolled my eyes. Margie’s dad was a worse gossip than the old ladies at the beauty shop.

“He moved here for a fresh start?” I asked. “Why?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I think she said her dad found out they’re from San Diego. Maybe he just wanted to live the small-town life for a while.”

“Well,” I said. “He’s probably sophisticated.”

Janie laughed and I joined in. After a long week, it was nice to sit and talk mindlessly with my best friend. I’d known Janie since the first grade, and we’d been inseparable ever since. She was the one thing that made life in Telluride slightly exciting.

“He is really hot, though,” Janie said wistfully.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Margie snapped a picture on her phone.” Janie shrugged.

“Seriously?” I laughed. “She needs to leave that poor man alone, especially if his wife just died.”

“He didn’t notice,” Janie said, waving her hand. “It was fine. Besides, I’m telling you, he is insanely hot.”

“I’m sure he is.” I rolled my eyes, but my interest was piqued.

“One of us needs to get on that,” Janie said seriously. “I’ll flip you for it.”

“Oh my God,” I said. “You’re insane.”

“I’m serious, Emily.”

“I know.” I laughed. “That’s what makes you insane.”

“Come on,” Janie whined. “Please. Just play along.”

“Whatever,” I said. “You go for it.”

“Really?” She sat up in her chair, her eyes dancing with renewed excitement.

I laughed. “Really. Besides, what do you think the likelihood of either of us actually meeting him is?”

“In this town?” Janie asked. “One hundred percent.”
