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“Do you want to go again?” I asked, my voice low and husky.

“Maybe,” she shrugged, teasing me.

“You’re evil.” I groaned and turned back to face the sea lion enclosure.

The animals continued to jump and spin, swimming beneath the water and then jumping out to get a fish or a treat. The trainers seemed to be having fun, and the audience loved it. I could hear Sarah’s laugh from where I stood, and the sound warmed my heart. Emily’s idea to spend the day here had been great.

“You know them so well already,” I said, gesturing toward Tommy and Sarah. “It’s amazing.”

“It wasn’t hard,” Emily said with a shrug. “I just pay attention.”

“That’s more than most people can say,” I said. “Especially with kids. I never realized it until Telissa died, but very few adults actually give children the time of day. Most people just ignore them or sit them in a corner somewhere.”

“That’s their loss,” Emily said. “Kids are great, especially yours.”

I smiled and continued watching the show. My eyes kept flicking back to Emily’s face. I couldn’t bring myself to look away from her for too long. She looked like a dream with her shorts and tank top that highlighted my favorite parts of her body. As I stole glances, I imagined pulling her into the bathroom and tearing those shorts from her body.

“Stop it,” she whispered as the show ended.

“What?” I asked innocently.

“I know exactly what you’re thinking,” she said.

I grinned as the kids ran over to us. They were both jumping up and down and telling us all about the show we all just saw. I laughed and tried to calm them down, but it was no use. They were too excited. They pulled us along, dragging us from one exhibit to the next. Tommy read all the plaques that were situated in front of the cases or glass enclosures, making sure we were all educated on each animal.

It wasn’t long before I lost interest in the animals, but my children’s faces were enough to keep me going. They never lost their bright-eyed wonder, no matter how many animals we saw. When we reached the petting zoo, I thought Sarah was going to burst from happiness. She ran through the animals, feeding them and petting them nonstop. Tommy hung back, slightly more nervous, but he eventually got up the nerve to feed a few of them.

Emily went inside the fence with them, helping them maneuver the animals and keeping them supplied with feed. She was laughing the entire time, the smile never leaving her face. From where I stood with Philip, she seemed to be having almost as much fun as the kids themselves.

“How are things going with you two now?” Philip asked. “I’ve been getting a vibe.”

“Dude, did you just say vibe?” I asked with a laugh.

“Make fun all you want,” Philip said. “But it’s a vibe.”

“Things are great,” I said. “At least, I think so. It’s not like we’ve had ‘the talk’ or anything, but last night was amazing.”

“Last night?” Philip asked. I just raised my eyebrows in response. He laughed and nodded. “Well, all right then. Glad to see things are working out.”

“I like her,” I said honestly. “I really do, man.”

“Good.” Philip nodded again. “Don’t fuck it up.”

“I’ll do my best.” I laughed and went back to watching my kids run around the petting zoo.

Emily chased after them for a few minutes, but eventually got too tired. She walked over to join Philip and I, but stayed inside the fence in case the kids needed her.

The three of us talked and joked about the kid’s excitement until Tommy ran over to announce he was ready for lunch. Emily corralled Sarah, and we all made our way to the food trucks and snack stands. Emily took Sarah into the bathroom, and I took Tommy so they could wash their hands before lunch. When we were all back together, we found a table, and I went to grab everyone food.

We sat and ate, scarfing down the zoo food and snacks. Sarah kept insisting she needed more ice cream. I was feeling soft and happy, so I obliged her wishes and bought her two extra scoops. When were done, we walked through the zoo again.

It was small so it didn’t take us long to make it from one end to the other, but it was worth it. As I watched my kids, Emily, and Philip, I came up with more story ideas than I could remember. They flooded my brain rapidly and overwhelmed me. I desperately wished I had my notebook with me so I could jot them down, but I didn’t. Instead, I just fell silent and tried my best to remember each one.

“Are you okay?” Emily asked after I’d been quiet for too long.

“I’m great,” I said. “Why?”
