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He slid the rolling ottoman closer and I could feel his leg snake between mine. I felt his knee press all the way between my aching thighs as his face came closer and closer. My eyes fluttered closed, taking in the musk of his cologne while his breath pulsated upon my neck.

“Make no mistake, songbird. I am dangerous.”

I could hear a faint accent in the low notes of his voice as I leaned into him a bit farther. I could feel my chest lightly grazing his, my body trembling at the mercy of his voice. I clenched my thighs, feeling his knee lightly grind closer to where I wanted him to touch. This man was the sexiest man I’d ever seen.

No matter the danger he brought into my life, I knew in that very moment I wouldn’t leave without experiencing what he had to offer.

I felt his hands creeping up my arms, pulling goosebumps to the surface as I sighed into his shoulder. My forehead lightly touched him, and my body leaned into him as he slowly peeled the lace away from my shoulders. I could feel his warm lips touching my bare skin, pulling me closer and closer to his body. I felt myself scooting forward, his knee delving farther and farther between my legs while my thighs continued to clamp down around it.

His lips slowly worked their way up my neck, stoking a fire within me as my hands lightly rested on his thighs. My head fell back as his lips continued to brush my skin, ghosting along my naked flesh as I sighed in soft pleasure.

“Are you ready to obey?” he asked.

His voice ricocheted through my body, rattling my ribcage as his lips stayed poised above my skin. I wanted him to touch me again. To kiss me again. To allow this fire burning in my gut to rage all across my body. I wanted to burn this room down with the fire he kept kissing and stroking from me, but when I thought about the answer to his question I honestly wasn’t sure.

I wasn’t sure if I was ready to obey him… whatever that meant.

I wanted him, but I had to admit I was frightened. He was frightening. This control he had over me was like nothing I’d ever experienced. His black mask was teasing me out of the corner of my eye as mine sat in the hallway downstairs. I was completely exposed to him and yet, I’d only studied one half of his face.

I pulled back and looked deep into his eyes, my bare shoulders glistening in the pale lighting of the room as I raised my hand to remove his mask.

Out of nowhere, his hand rushed up. He grabbed tightly onto my wrist, twisting it as he pulled me up from the chair. He pushed it behind my back, pulling my chest out farther for him to behold as my breathing sped up. I was on my tip toes, my breath caught in my throat. His forehead laid itself onto mine as his lips hovered over me, taunting my desire for him as he looked deep into my eyes.

“Are you ready to obey now?” he asked.

His lips connected with mine and I suddenly felt as if I was melting. His kiss was gentle, yet domineering. He was making sure I understood who was in control of this situation. He kissed down my neck, holding my arm behind my back as he settled me back down into my chair. He kissed all the way down my chest, teasing my nipples through two layers of lace. My breathing became audible as I gasped for him, feeling him nip at my clothed skin as I tried to tug my hand free.

I wanted to touch him. To feel his skin underneath my fingertips.

I raised my other hand into the air to brace myself against him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled it behind my back as well. He held me in place, keeping me at his mercy as his large, strong hands encircled both my wrists.

“Are you sure you want this?” he asked as his face came back up toward mine. “Are you ready to submit to me?”

I felt near feverish with lust. My body was flushed with desperate want, and I was practically grinding into the chai

r to try and gain some friction. My chest rose and fell erratically, as I found myself panting, my lips parted, awaiting his tongue. I had no idea what I was about to get myself into but, as the fire in my gut slowly trickled up my body, it burned my lips as the word flew from them effortlessly.


He stood, pulling me with him as I danced on my tip toes. He walked me over to an area that was completely empty except for a length of chain dangling from the ceiling. My eyes widened in curiosity as fear gripped my throat, and the dark prince suddenly rotated my arms until they were comfortably above my head. He chained me to that spot as my lacy dress hung just above my breasts, my toes barely touching the floor as I dangled there, helpless and at his mercy.

Slowly, he began to undress me. He pulled my lacy dress to the floor while his hands explored the whole of my body. He pulled my heels from my shoes, massaging my feet lightly before his hands grazed up my thighs. He pulled my panties from my body, exposing parts of myself to him that had never been seen by the eyes of another man. I trembled at his touch while his warm hands slowly worked the corset from my body and, suddenly, I was naked for him as his eyes swam along my pale curves.

I saw him reach for something before a piece of silken black fabric came into view. He slid it across my eyes, blindfolding me as he tied it behind my head. I whimpered at the loss of the view. The man was beautiful and he was robbing me of the sight of him. I felt vulnerable and exposed as everything fell silent and, for a moment, I thought he had left me.

But then, I felt it. The smallest fluttering sensation tickling my thigh. I twitched, giggling a bit as it tickled up my stomach. I jerked and danced, trying to get away from the sensation as a smile crossed my lips.

“I’m so ticklish, please stop,” I said, giggling.

The sensation was soon replaced with a prickling sensation that slowly started wheeling itself up the edge of my spine.

I stood desperately still as each prick dug a little deeper into my skin. My legs twitched involuntarily while my arms jolted. I had a sneaking suspicion the first object was a feather, but I had no idea what this pinwheel-type object was.

All I knew was that it was sharp and one wrong move could have me bleeding.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the sensation stopped, but then I heard two distinct snapping sounds and, suddenly, I felt fear cascade in my chest. I heard his footsteps growing closer, my body trying to pinpoint a direction to look toward. I turned my head this way and that, trying to see anything from beyond this piece of fabric wrapped around my head.

But the moment he cupped my pussy with what felt like a rubber glove, the words left my lips faster than I could process them.
