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“How’d that work out?” CoCo asked, curious.

“Actually, turned out to be a blessing. She got bored with trying to get me alone when I was avoiding her like the plague and she set her sights on Chase Nolan instead. I guess they were a good fit, because they got married right out of high school. Last I heard, they have five kids and a mortgage together.”

“Ah, a happily-ever-after,” CoCo said, delighted.

“Yeah. I guess so. The poor bastard,” Rian said and the table erupted in laughter.

A moment of easy silence passed around the table and Kane brought up the case. “So any leads?” he asked.

CoCo looked to Rian and Rian answered, “Not so far. But I’m removed from that part of the investigation. I wonder if no news is good news?”

Laci turned to CoCo. “Are you worried about your father’s safety? I would be worried sick knowing that some crazy person wanted to hurt my family.”

CoCo nodded. “Yes, but I know my dad has great security and they’re doing everything they can to nail this nut job. I just want it to be over so I can get back to my life.” Her statement hit Rian like a punch to the gut. It shouldn’t have because he knew this gig was temporary, but hearing it said aloud made it so much more clear that they were just playing around and having a good time. CoCo sensed his sudden change in demeanor even though he fought to keep his expression neutral and said, “I mean, I feel lucky to have Rian looking out for me. He’s been a Godsend.”

“The Dalton boys are the best to have in a crisis,” Laci agreed. “I always hire Kane and Rian’s company now for tours. I’ve had my share of crazy fans. One tried to rip my dress clean off! Another practically snatched the hair from my head. You never know what kind of crazy person might be fixating on you.”

“I just want my family to be safe,” she murmured, shooting Rian an inquiring look, but he ignored it and chose instead to finish his beer and then rose with his dishes.

“Your cooking reminds me of Cora, God rest her soul,” Rian said, pressing a kiss on top of Laci’s head in a brotherly fashion. “Great chicken.”

“It was nothing,” Laci said, but her smile widened under the praise. Laci loved being a domestic goddess on her off-time. She said it made her feel close to Cora even though she was gone. “How long do you think you two will be here?”

“Just a few more days, I suspect,” he answered, going into the kitchen to drop off the plates. Returning, he said, “Think you can put up with us for that much longer?”

“I’ll weather it,” Laci said with a wink. “In the meantime, I can get to know CoCo better. We can gab like girlfriends while you guys do ‘guy’ things.”

“Sounds like a plan,” he said, but his stomach was like lead. Why was he so bothered by the fact that CoCo was openly ready to go back to her old life? What else was he thinking was going to happen? And what did he want to happen? He gestured to the outside, saying, “I’m going to feed the horses.”

Normally, he would’ve offered to help with the dishes but he needed some air. His head was on screwy after that comment and he needed to get it together. Maybe this was a blessing. He was starting to have feelings for CoCo, which had no future, so this was a great reminder that he needed to settle that shit down before things got complicated.

How much more complicated could it get than him sleeping with a client? He wanted to groan and smack his head against a post for being an idiot.

Well, at least his secret was safe. He knew CoCo wouldn’t say anything. If he could just keep it together for a few more days, Kane would never know how far things had gone and he’d just have to file this experience under the file labeled “Big Dumbass Mistakes” and move on.

Except life wasn’t that easy and he should’ve known better.

He’d just tossed the first handful of hay into Amelia’s stall when Kane entered the barn and said, “So, how long have you two been sleeping together?”

And he knew his pooch had just been screwed.

* * *

COCO HELPED LACI with the dishes in the kitchen, enjoying the opportunity to spend a little more time with the effervescent woman, but as luck would have it Laci had her own agenda.
