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Laci squealed and clapped her hands together. “Oh, Rian! I’m so happy for you! And I’m so happy for CoCo, too! Now, go in there and tell her how you feel. Quick! Before you lose your nerve and something gets in the way.”

Rian hesitated. Her dad was still in there. He didn’t want to interrupt. But as he started walking, he passed Enzo leaving CoCo’s room and the two paused before Rian thrust his hand out, his voice threatening to betray his nervousness. “Sir, I love your daughter. I didn’t mean to fall in love with her but I did and I understand if you don’t appreciate my feelings but I’m not going anywhere until she leaves this hospital with me. I hope you can understand that. I also hope that maybe someday you can forgive me for falling in love while on the job because it’s going to be awfully awkward around the dinner table during holidays if we’re not able to get along. Not to mention, I want our kids to know their grandfather.”

“Kids?” The older man’s bushy eyebrows rose as he stared, openly assessing him. “Is that so?”

He swallowed. “Not yet, sir, but eventually.”

Enzo, a formidable man in his own right, paused and then said, “Marry her first and we’ll talk. Until a gentleman and keep your hands to yourself.”

Rian would’ve promised the moon. All he heard was Enzo had given them his blessing...even if it came with a stern condition. “Yes, sir,” he said, bobbing his head. “Won’t touch her until the wedding.”

Enzo chuckled and walked away. It was then that Rian realized he might’ve just made a promise he wouldn’t be able to keep.

He returned to CoCo’s room and immediately kissed her. Her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled, a little unsure and he didn’t blame her.

“What are you doing? You don’t have to stay any longer,” she said quietly, searching his gaze. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me—”

“Marry me,” he blurted out and she stopped, shocked.


“Um, yeah, marry me,” he said with a resolute nod. There was no turning back now. He knew what he wanted and didn’t care if anyone else thought he was being impetuous, spontaneous or just plain nuts. He knew how he felt about CoCo and it wasn’t likely to change, so why waste time? “I just promised your dad that I wouldn’t touch you again until after the wedding so...yeah, that might’ve been a tall order. How do you feel about a quickie courthouse wedding?”

She stared at him. Was she overwhelmed or wondering if he was crazy for thinking that she might want to marry him? And then she broke out into smiles and tears and pulled him weakly to her so she could kiss him again. He was careful not to hurt her but he was so relieved that she hadn’t told him to pound sand. He pulled away, searching her gaze. “ that a yes?”

“To the worst proposal ever?” she asked.

He nodded sheepishly because he had to admit that hadn’t been the way he’d imagined asking the woman of his dreams to be his forever but hey, as long as she said yes, he didn’t care.

“Yeah, pretty much,” he said and she grinned more broadly, which he took as a good sign. “So courthouse quickie as soon as you’re able?”

“Oh, I’ll marry you, but hell no to the courthouse quickie. I’m Italian. You’re crazy if you think my family can fit in a courthouse. No, my wedding will be in Italy at my father’s villa and it will be the biggest, most off-the-charts sensation that you’ve ever seen. So prepare yourself. My Italian cousins are a handful.”

He didn’t care. He’d agree to anything. Except... “Do you think your dad was serious about not touching until the wedding?”

She nodded. “Like a heart attack.” But as Rian groaned, wondering how he was going to manage to keep that promise, she whispered, “But what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. My father likes to think I’ve been saving myself for marriage.”

Rian guffawed at that idea until he realized he’d laughed a little too loudly and CoCo scowled at the implication. He immediately sobered and said, “Whatever you want, babe. I’d do anything for you. Even if it means keeping my hands to myself while you plan the wedding of the century. Just promise me one thing...”
