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Sonora had the audacity to appear smug. “I thought

there was nothing going on between you.”

“There isn’t, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be concerned.”

Sonora stood up with a smirk. “He’s fine. All parts in working order. But I forget, you don’t care about that.”

Sonora headed for the door while Marley’s every fiber wanted to know more, to ask a thousand questions about Luke’s condition and if he’d be back this weekend.

But there was no way she could push for more with Sonora, and the whole situation made her feel powerless.

“Chop chop! We have lots to do today.”

The only satisfaction Marley could hold onto was that Sonora’s dress was wrinkly and clinging to her backside in a most unbecoming way.

Chapter 11

On Saturday, Luke winced as he opened the door to the bakery in Sweetheart. He’d agreed to go taste cakes for Brent, who had other wedding duties to perform, but he was still pretty sore from the hostage negotiation. His back had been bruised when the bullet had flattened against his bulletproof vest, but it was a good lesson: Never turn your back on a suspect.

Fornier needed surgery, and although he’d lost a lot of blood, he was supposed to make a full recovery. The whole squad had been in the waiting room while he was in surgery, and when he woke up, he asked for Luke, thanking him for keeping him alive.

That was the part of the job Luke hated. The fact that they were always taking the chance that they wouldn’t make it back anytime they left the house. Maybe he was getting old, or the violence was just becoming too much for him. For fourteen years he’d served his country in one way or another, protecting it. It might be time to slow things down.

He figured eating cake for an hour was a great way to start, especially since Marley was filling in for Sonora. Luke wasn’t proud that he was excited to see her. It seemed no matter how many times he said he was over it, they ended up thrown together.

A large sign on the wall behind the pink and white counter read I Do…Love Cake, and the walls were pale pink with pictures of cakes, cupcakes, and cookies in spectacular shapes and designs with… puppies and kittens?

That was a little weird. Were they advertising pet hair in their pastries?

The tile floor was white with cake decals and several floor to ceiling display cases hosted an array of sheet and tiered cakes. Luke stepped closer, checking out one of the cakes that appeared to be leaning slightly to the right, covered in a dark blue icing with orange flowers.

Why the hell would someone want a blue and orange wedding cake? Must be Denver Broncos fans.

“Well, hi there.” A perky red head popped up from behind the counter, making him jump. “You must be Brent.”

Recovering swiftly, Luke held his hand out. “Actually, I’m Luke, the best man. Brent sent me here while he heads over to the caterers.”

“Oh, well, glad to have you. I’m Tanya. Is the bride going to make it? I have to admit, I am such a fan.”

“Actually, I think her maid of honor is filling in.”

The door behind him dinged and he turned around to find a very shocked Marley staring at him with wide eyes.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Filling in. Sonora didn’t tell you?”

Her expression darkened. “No. No she didn’t.”

“Maybe she didn’t realize how uncomfortable you’d be.”

She snorted rudely. “Oh, believe me, she did this on purpose. This was a test.”

“What kind of—”

He didn’t get to finish before Tanya squealed.

“Hey there, Marley! Are you the maid of honor?”
