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“No!” The two women shouted at the same time, then groaned simultaneously.

“Okay, all right, we’ll get the hell out of here,” Luke said, suppressing his laughter.

They stepped into the elevator, and Luke liked that Marley leaned her head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I am so tired.”

“I’m hungry,” Kendall chimed in.

Luke chuckled. “We can swing through a drive-through on our way home.”

“Sounds good,” Marley said, yawning.

As the elevator doors opened and they entered the lobby, Luke led them out into the parking garage. Once Kendall was settled in the back and Marley in the front, Luke did what he promised and pulled through the McDonalds drive-through for them.

“Greasy food is the best thing to combat a hangover,” he said.

Marley looked at him with a soft smile, and it was like basking in the glow of the sun.

“Thank you.”

Luke took her hand and didn’t release it the entire drive home.

Chapter 19

Marley walked into Something Borrowed on Sunday and headed straight back to Kelly’s office. She’d been expecting to get home last night and have a message on her answering machine from Kelly, telling her to get her butt into work so she could fire her in person, but there was nothing. It wasn’t like Kelly to avoid a problem.

As Marley passed by her office, she thought about the last seven years of working there. Although there had been some tough clients and times when she wished she didn’t have to always put on a happy face, it felt like she was leaving her home. The faces at Something Borrowed might change frequently, but she knew the business backwards and forwards. It was bittersweet to say good-bye.

Not to mention she was going to have to pay back the commission check on Sonora’s wedding. With only six days to go, that was a bitter pill to swallow.

She knocked on Kelly’s door.

“Come in!”

Marley opened the door with a tentative smile. “Hey Kelly, how are you?”

“I’m good.” Kelly tilted her head to the side, looking confused. “Shouldn’t you still be in Tahoe for the bachelorette party?”

It was Marley’s turn to be surprised. “Didn’t Sonora call you?”

“No, why would she?”

As Kelly waited expectantly for an answer, Marley’s brain scrambled to make sense of what was happening.

“Oh, just that I got food poisoning from one of those seafood buffets and had to come home early. I know we’re supposed to stay with our brides the whole time and keep an eye on them, but—”

“Marley, you can’t help getting sick and I’ve had food poisoning. I know how horrible it can be. Are you feeling any better?”

Marley had a feeling Kelly was asking since she’d walked in wearing yoga pants, a Harley T-shirt, and no make-up; not her usual business attire.

“I’m still a little queasy, but I couldn’t wait until tomorrow if you were upset with me.”

“Not at all. Things happen and you’ve done a fabulous job on this. Sonora sings your praises.”

That made Marley uneasy. “She does?”

“Yes, she says you’re so helpful and organized. She even said it feels like she’s known you forever.”

This is too reminiscent of a spider playing with a fly. What’s the catch?
