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“Well, great. I guess I’ll go home and rest then.”

Kelly stood up and came around the desk. When she took Marley’s hand and squeezed it, Marley was taken aback by the emotion in Kelly’s hazel eyes. “You take care of yourself, Marley. You know how much I need you.”

A lump of guilt lodged in Marley’s throat. Kelly wasn’t just her boss; she was her friend too. And she was lying through her teeth about everything, including Luke.

Just six more days and it will all be over. I can’t blow this.

“I promise I will.”

Marley walked out of Something Borrowed and once she was safely in her car, she dialed Sonora.


“Sonora, it’s Marley.”

“I know, you’re programmed into my phone.”

Ignoring Sonora’s you’re an idiot tone, she pressed on. “I just wanted to apologize for Friday night, and thank you for not telling Kelly.”

“You think I did that because I like you or something?”

Marley could feel the muscle under her eye start twitching. “Actually, I have no idea why you did it.”

“Because as long as you work for me, you’re bound by confidentiality to keep your mouth shut. So, it behooves me to keep you on as my maid of honor.”

“Lucky me,” Marley muttered, but Sonora heard her.

“Oh, you have no idea how lucky you are. It would have been so easy to screw you over when you were passed out drunk with my idiot sister.”

Forgetting that she was supposed to be kissing Sonora’s ass, she snapped, “You mean stranding us and making us pay for an already booked hotel room wasn’t bad enough?”

“No. No, I could have left you passed out in our VIP booth. Who knows what would have happened while you were drunk and defenseless?”

Marley’s blood chilled. “You wouldn’t do that to anyone, even your worst enemy.”

“I’d do worse to an enemy. Thank your God or whatever you pray to that I find you just a mild annoyance.”

Sonora wasn’t just a self-centered bitch. She was psychotic.

“Now, we’re going to get through this week. I’m going to marry Brent and become his perfect little trophy wife. And you are going to help me every step of the way because that is what I’m are paying you to do. Right?”

“You mean your parents are paying me.”

Sonora hissed into the phone. “And they’ll snatch it all back if you screw this up. So shut the fuck up and do your job, or I will make you regret it.”

The call ended, probably because Sonora had hung up on her. Marley stared at the screen, her mind whirling.

This wasn’t what she had signed up for when she’d started at Something Borrowed. She hadn’t expected to get pulled into duping a perfectly nice man into marrying a heinous gold-digger.

With her hands shaking, she pressed on Luke’s name.

“Hey. How’s it going?” he asked.

“Oh, fine. Have you left for the airport yet?”

“Not yet. My flight doesn’t leave until five. I was actually hoping to spend a little more time with you before—”

“Yes. I’ll pick you up.”
