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“In that case, I’ll pour you a glass of wine.”

“Oh, no, I better not. I have an early morning.” Her pulse skipped as she paused at the door and glanced past her best friend. “Is Asher home?”

“He’s just finishing the dishes.” Honor raised her eyebrows.

And he chose that moment to walk into the foyer with a towel and plate in his hand. “Hey, Mae. What’s up?”

I’m pregnant with your brother’s baby.

Oh, God, this was going to suck.

But she couldn’t tell him. It wasn’t her place to tell him, only Honor. Because she had to talk to someone who wasn’t going to judge her and make her feel horrible for her one night of fun with lifelong consequences. She’d get enough of that when she told her parents.

“Hi, Asher. Sorry to barge in on you guys like this. I just needed a few minutes to talk to Honor.”

“No problem. I was about to head upstairs to get some work done, so I’ll leave you two to it.”

She gave him a smile of appreciation and noticed the quick glance he exchanged with his wife as he handed her the plate and towel. Not a word more was said, though, as he headed up the stairs.

“Did you eat already?” Honor asked on their way into the kitchen. “Because we have plenty left if you—”

Mae held up a hand, her stomach too queasy to think about food. “No, thanks. I’m good.”

At the island counter, she set down the plate and then turned to face Mae, her expression full of concern. “What’s going on? You’ve got me a little nervous here.”

She took a deep breath as she parked her butt on one of the island stools, and her friend did the same. She wasn’t quite sure where to start, so she figured she’d rip off the Band-Aid just like with Merit.

And like with him, she had to swallow hard and force the words out. “I’m pregnant.”

Honor’s eyes widened, and her eyebrows rose with her confused smile. “Um…last I checked you have to have sex to get pregnant.”


The smile slipped. “I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”

“I’m not.” Sudden tears pricked the back of her eyes, and she blinked them away. She hadn’t expected this rush of emotion.

“Oh, no, what happened?”

Honor reached to squeeze her hand, and Mae glanced up to see her concerned frown. “Nothing dramatic or bad,” she assured her. “This is all on me.”


She blew out a soft sigh. “The night of your wedding, I, ah, kinda hooked up with someone.”

Honor sat back in her chair. Her eyebrows arched up again and a tiny smile tugged at her lips. “You got pregnant off of kinda?”

The gentle teasing broke the tension, and she was able to breathe again as she smiled in return. “It was just the one night, and we used protection, but lucky us, we hit the two percent failure jackpot.”

Her sarcasm sobered her friend’s expression. “When did you find out?”


“And you’re just now telling me, four days later?”

“I had to process, and we were both busy with the holiday weekend.”

“I’m never too busy for you. Certainly not for something like this.”
