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Mae laughed as she recalled that conversation a little over a year ago. Then she marveled at the fact she was laughing again. Nothing had changed in the past hour, but being able to talk to her bestie was exactly what she’d needed.

“So tell me, if it was that great, why wouldn’t you talk to him afterward?”

She sat back in her chair with a sigh. “It was only supposed to be one night. He’s a total player, and that’s part of why I went for it. He was supposed to be uncomplicated.”

“Oops,” Honor deadpanned.

“Yeah. I know.”

“So…what if he’s not as bad as you think?”

She rolled her eyes with a soft snort. “Oh, please. He’s charming as all hell, but we both know he’s as bad as we think.”

“I don’t know. Sometimes I get the feeling there’s more to Merit than he lets on.”

She would love to believe her best friend, but couldn’t afford to let her guard down and think only of herself. “I won’t bring someone like that into Ian’s life knowing he’ll dump me the second he loses interest. I’ve worked too hard to provide a stable home for him.”

Honor nodded. “I totally get that, but…as the baby’s father, he’s in your life whether you want him there or not.”

“I’m not betting on him being very involved.”

“Maybe he’ll surprise you.” Her friend gave her an encouraging smile. “He was great with the kids at Halloween last year, and the few times I’ve seen him with Ian, they got along really well.”

She already knew Ian liked him, but still, she gave a firm headshake at the somewhat hopeful lilt to her friend’s voice. “I’m not looking for a relationship, and I’m certainly not going to involve Ian with Merit any more than I minimally have to. He’ll get too close. I can handle it, but I won’t put him through that.”

“So, what, you’re just always going to be alone?” Honor challenged.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Well, you haven’t dated for the past seven years. You going to wait another eleven until Ian turns eighteen? Or, with the new baby, another eighteen?”

Mae frowned in confusion and frustration at the direction the conversation had taken. She did not want Honor getting her hopes up with unrealistic expectations. She needed her friend to be the voice of reason. Keep her grounded. Help her protect her heart.

“This isn’t up for discussion right now.”

“All I’m trying to say is, don’t completely close yourself off.”

“Great. Thanks,” she snapped. “Only problem is, the one time I finally decide to open up again—no pun intended—I end up pregnant. Again. So, thanks for the advice, but I’m done. And as of right now, so is this subject.”

Honor took a breath to say more, but Mae silenced her with a stern glare.

She huffed out a sigh and sat back. “Okay. Fine. I won’t say anything more about it.”

“Thank you.” In the tense silence, she fought a cringe as she ventured, “While we’re on the subject of not saying stuff…I have to ask you not to say anything to Asher just yet.” At Honor’s frown, she added, “If it was any other guy, I wouldn’t care. But I feel this is Merit’s news to tell his family, not mine.”

After a long moment, Honor gave a reluctant nod. “Yeah, I get it. I won’t say anything.”

“Thank you.” When she met her best friend’s gaze, frustration gave way for genuine appreciation. She leaned forward to grasp both her hands, and a swell of emotion lodged in her throat as she slid off her chair. “And one last thing before I leave. I’m so very happy for you and Asher, and eventually I’ll be happy for me, too. Since I have to deal with this, there isn’t anyone else I’d want to go through it with than you.”

Honor’s smile returned as tears brightened her green eyes once more. “Same here. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Chapter 6

Merit hesitated outside the door of Shelby’s soon-to-be vet clinic a little after nine on Monday morning. Since parking next to Mae’s truck two minutes ago, his pulse had been racing, and the tightness in his chest made it hard to take a deep breath.

He’d wanted to go after her last night, but had to deal with a pissed off barista. He was an idiot for having called her in the first place, so he didn’t blame Lyssa for the few choice names she called him even after he apologized.
