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She was such an idiot. His mother had been gesturing toward Honor, not reaching for stupid butter.

“Tell us what?”

Janine’s close voice and hand on her shoulder made Mae stiffen. She stared at Merit, her pulse pounding hard when she realized the entire table had gone silent and was watching them.


“I’m so sorry,” she whispered to him.

“Go ahead,” Senator Diamond’s voice boomed. “Since you’ve got our attention, you might as well tell us now.”

Chapter 17

Merit watched Mae’s face pale even more. Oh, geezus, was she going to throw up? He wouldn’t blame her. He was feeling pretty nauseous himself with everyone waiting to hear what they had to say. Everyone except Loyal and Roxanna, and Asher and Honor.

He reached for Mae’s hand while stiffening his spine to meet his dad’s gaze. “Mae and I are going to have a baby.”

Her fingers clutched his in a death grip as his dad’s jaw went tight.

His mom gave a soft gasp. “Oh, my. Really? Another grandbaby?”

Mae smiled even though she still looked ready to puke. His mom grinned before pulling her into a hug as others around the table started talking. He immediately missed the warmth of Mae’s hand in his.

“Congratulations.” His mom’s gaze met his over Mae’s shoulder, and she reached out to squeeze his hand before sitting back.

“Thanks, Mom.” She could be counted on for moral support.

“Was this planned?” His dad’s voice, on the other hand, fully conveyed his disapproval.

Merit notched his chin up again. “Not exactly.”

He nodded, as if the answer was exactly what he had expected. “It was only a matter of time.”

Heat rose in his face as Mae shot him a frowning glance while sitting back in her chair. Not to mention, the table had gone quiet again.

“Mark,” his mom admonished.

Merit kept quiet, because he couldn’t really blame his dad for the assumption. He’d played up his rep on purpose the past couple of years, so it was entirely his fault.

“To be honest, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.” Dad’s gaze narrowed. “I hope you’re not expecting me to release your trust funds.”

Fuck and double fuck.

Another wave of heat flashed through him. Why had he thought it was a good idea to have Mae at his side when he told his parents? Had he learned nothing in his twenty-six years?

Drawing in a steadying breath, he summoned some I don’t give a fuck and pasted on a cool smile. “No, Dad, I wouldn’t even dream of asking.”

“What do you mean, release his trust funds?” Bells asked from down the table. “Doesn’t he have his weekly allowance?”

“All right,” Mom cut in. “This is not something

to be discussing right now.”

Except they were, and it was too late to stuff it all back in the bottle now.

“Hey, Dad started it, so might as well just get it out there.” Merit turned from his mom to Shelby. “Dad cut me off. That’s why my credit cards wouldn’t work, because he froze everything. I don’t get a single penny more until I’m thirty.”

Her eyes went wide, and surprise registered in the faces of his other siblings as well. When he turned back to look at his parents, it was Mae’s shocked expression as she silently took everything in that had his gut twisting into a tight mass. What a shit-show this turned out to be. He could just imagine what a loser he looked like to her.
