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“I didn’t ask her out again after the second date, because the whole time I was with her, I kept thinking of you. Comparing your eyes and the color of your hair. I never had a preference for blond until you.”

“That’s a good line,” she muttered as her heart beat faster at the implications of what he’d said. If it was true, it was a really good line. Especially since he’d said something very similar last weekend.

“It’s not a line, Mae.” A spark of anger in his denial caught her off guard.

“Did you sleep with her?” When he frowned, she held up a hand and looked way. “On second thought, forget it. I don’t want to know.”

Yes, you do, liar.

“I did sleep with her, but I haven’t seen her since last November. Besides which, why does that even matter? I’ve never claimed to be a saint, and anything with her was before we even knew each other. I shouldn’t have to apologize for that.”

His words sank in, and she realized he was right. She had no right to be mad or jealous about someone from almost nine months ago. If the situation was flipped, and he got bent out of shape for her being with Ian’s father seven years ago, she’d tell him he was being an idiot.

And now she felt like an idiot. And a jerk, too.

“No, you shouldn’t have to apologize,” she agreed, her gaze leveled at his chest. “You don’t have to apologize, I do. I’m sorry.”

He reached to take her hand and then tilted her head up with a knuckle under her chin. “I never have been and never will be someone who cheats. And I’m not going to walk away. I’m not looking for anyone else because I don’t want anyone else, got it?”

She nodded and then rose up to wrap her arms around his neck in a tight hug so he wouldn’t see her tears. His arms closed around her, and he lifted her off her feet. With her face buried in the crook of his neck and his intoxicating cologne filling her senses, she choked out another, “I’m sorry.”

“All I’m asking is for you to trust me here, Mae. I’m with you all the way.”

She nodded again as he stroked her hair. After a moment, he whispered, “Shall we go play short sticks?”

“Yes, please.”

Almost three hours later, Merit carried a sleepy Ian into the house after eighteen holes, ice cream, and presents. He woke up a little as he brushed his teeth and changed into his pajamas. When he had the covers tucked in under his armpits and his stuffed Scooby Doo Great Dane in the crook of his elbow, Mae sat on the edge of the bed and leaned in to kiss his forehead.

“So, what do you think, Scoob? Good birthday?”

“The best, Mom. Thank you.” He gave her a tired grin, then looked past her shoulder. “Thanks for coming with us, Merit.”

Mae glanced back to see him lounging against the door frame, thumbs hooked in his jeans pockets, feet crossed at the ankles.

“Thanks for asking me. I had a ton of fun tonight.”

“Even though you got beat by a kid and a girl?”

Mae grinned at Ian’s taunt. They’d kicked his butt—and she was positive he hadn’t let them win for their birthdays.

“Even though,” Merit agreed with a wry smile.

He’d been a good sport through their trash talk during the eighteen holes, and their gloating afterwards. He’d been great with Ian, and after their talk outside Nick’s, she’d been able to relax and enjoy the evening together. She still felt bad for immediately jumping to the worst case scenario at the pub, but she planned to make it up to him once Ian was asleep. Plus, she’d been thinking of another way to show she trusted him and his word.

“Ian, remember when you asked me if the baby has a daddy?”

He nodded.

“Well…Merit is the baby’s daddy.”

His blue eyes widened as his head turned toward the door where Merit stood. A quick glance revealed his cautious smile for her son, and after what felt like forever, Ian asked, “Is that why you’re here? Because of the baby?”

Wow—her kid knew how to go right for the heart, didn’t he?

Merit pushed away from the door and came over to kneel next to the bed. “I’m here for the baby, and your mom, and you, Ian. I like you guys a lot.”

“I like you, too,” he said, his voice soft and surprisingly shy. Then he frowned. “Are you going to be a doggie daddy or a penguin daddy?”
