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“Dr. Steven said they have great doctors in the NICU. It’s gonna be okay, you hear me?” His voice got all rough, and he rose up to press his lips to her belly through her hospital gown. “You’re gonna be okay, Baby. Mom and Dad are here for you.”

Mae’s heart constricted at the sound of his raspy whisper. He was trying to be strong for her, but she could hear the apprehension in his voice. She threaded her fingers through his dark hair. He shifted up to kiss her lips, and she held him close for a long moment while she got her emotions under control.

When she felt able to speak without bursting into tears, she said, “All my stuff for delivery is in my bag at home.”

“It’s still by the door, right?” He cleared the gruffness in his throat and pulled out his phone before dropping back into his chair after her nod. “I’ll ask Asher or Loyal to get it.”

“Please,” she requested as two nurses came into the room. At the start of another contraction, she tightened her grip on his hand.

“Done.” He kept his fingers twined with hers while texting with the other hand.

After the pain subsided, one nurse checked her vitals while the other checked the fetal monitor screen and then adjusted the belt across her belly. They advised the doctor would be back to check her progress in a half-hour, and then left them alone once more.

Mae took a deep, cleansing breath to relax as much as possible between contractions. Merit’s phone vibrated with a response, and he checked the screen. “Loyal and Rox will grab the bag. Sounds like everyone’s coming.”

She bit the corner of her lip. “I really don’t want anyone in here with us.”

“I’ll make sure they stay in the waiting room.” Then he typed out another text.

“It could be a while,” she warned after a glance at the clock. She’d been in labor with Ian for over eight hours.

Merit shrugged and brought their joined hands up to kiss the back of hers. “That’s on them. I’m staying right here with you the whole time.”

“Thank you.” She leaned back against the pillow with her eyes closed.

“I can’t believe our Lamaze class starts next week,” he muttered into the silence a minute later.

“I’ve been through this before, remember? I’ll let you know what to do when the time comes.”

“Is there anything I can do to help now?” There was a note of helplessness in his voice. “Do you want anything? Back rub? Foot rub? Something to drink? Anything?

She opened her eyes and rolled her head toward him with a bemused smile. It was hard to believe there was a time she thought him nothing more than an irresponsible playboy. He was so much more than she’d ever dared imagine, and she was the lucky one who got him.

“How about you just keep talking,” she requested. She’d noticed many times during their late night chats how the low rumble of his voice had a way of soothing her soul. “It’ll keep my mind off the what ifs.”

“Well…” He scooted his chair closer. “I actually have a what if of my own for you.”

She raised her eyebrows with curiosity at his sudden solemn tone.

“Earlier you mentioned equal partnership. What if we made it official?”

“You mean for the business?” she asked with confusion.

“I mean for us.” He shifted in his seat while drawing in a deep breath, then lifted his gaze to hers. “Mae Lockhart, will you marry me?”

She blinked in shock. Looking at the beautiful face she’d come to love so much, there was no controlling her emotions as tears filled her eyes. His image blurred, but not enough for her to miss his anxious frown.

“I’m sorry I don’t have a ring yet.” He grimaced. “And I know it’s not the most romantic place to propose, but—”

“No, don’t apologize,” she exclaimed, reaching to pull him closer. “It’s perfect. This is absolutely perfect.” When he rose to lean over the bed, she cupped his face with both hands just as her next contraction began to build. “You really mean it? Even after tonight?”

“Especially after tonight.” He touched his forehead to hers, his breath a caress against her lips. “I want you by my side always, in everything. I want us to be a family. You, me, Ian, and the baby.”

“I love you so much,” she whispered, closing her eyes as she tried desperately to enjoy the moment through the intensifying pain.

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes.” She gave a quick, choppy nod, happy tears wetting her cheeks as she slid her fingers into his hair. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
