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“My doctor confirmed it yesterday afternoon,” she admitted. “I hated waiting, but I wanted to tell you on your birthday. I was going to do a whole thing with a cake tonight, but I couldn’t wait any longer.

“I’m glad you didn’t.” All of a sudden he paused, his gaze intense on hers. “Wait…are you good with this being sooner than we planned? With having to take a whole year off at the height of the season—”

She reached to press her fingers to his lips. “I’m one hundred percent good with it. I can’t wait to be a mom.”

Reyes caught her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her palm. “I noticed your excitement last night, but I assumed it was because of the house.”

“Of course it was a little the house, but mostly it was the baby.”

Dipping slightly at the knees, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her in a bear hug as he spun them back out onto the porch. When he set her down again, he said, “I love that we’re going to build onto this ranch at the same time we’re growing our family almost as much as I love you, Raine.”

“I love you, too. Isn’t it crazy to think that my accident ended up with quite the silver lining?”

“I can’t imagine what my life would be like if you hadn’t come to Colorado to train last year.”

She grinned. “You wouldn’t be having nearly as much sex.”

He laughed before tugging her in tight against him. “Speaking of, maybe we could—”

The blare of a horn cut him off as Dev’s pick-up turned into the driveway, followed by two large moving trucks.

Reyes let loose a low growl of displeasure as she laughed. “Hold that thought, birthday boy.”

The rest of the day flew by, until they fell into bed around eleven that night. Raine’s attempt to treat Reyes for his birthday switched to him showing her slowly and thoroughly just how much he loved her. Afterwards, she snuggled close to his side, her head on his chest, his heart beating strong and steady in her ear.

A couple of months ago, she would’ve said nothing could top standing on the gold medal podium with her family cheering her on in the stands. After today, she had a whole new standard to judge by. Because this version of gold had the sweetest cherry on top.

