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“You also thought Levins was a nice guy.”

Her gaze narrowed. “The Mitch I know is nice.”

Great, she was still defending the convicted felon.

“At this point, I can’t afford to discount anyone completely,” he advised. “Not even nice guys or wannabe rangers. Now, if you’re done taking pictures, I’m going to start looking for that kill.”

Chapter 16

Britt swallowed hard as Joel turned away. After he’d scoffed at her desperate suggestion for them to be friends, he might as well have tacked on the part he was surely thinking.

Not even nice guys or wannabe rangers…or wranglers like you.

The guy didn’t make friends because the people in his life were all suspects. And the women, it seemed, had the added benefit of being a fun way to pass the time.

Ironic, considering she’d only suggested friendship in an attempt to ward off the growing attraction that had her rethinking her No Casual Sex rule. He’d told her he didn’t do relationships. He warned her he always moved on, so she figured if they were friends, she’d have a clear line drawn in the sand. Thinking about kissing him, or how his rough, warm hands would feel skimming every inch of her body would definitely be on the other side of that line.

Well, she knew where she stood now, didn’t she? He didn’t trust her, and the fact she hadn’t told him about the meadow didn’t help her case. She was way on the other side of the line. Problem solved.

You wish.

Britt ignored the annoying inner voice that knew too much and asked, “What can I do?” No matter what he thought of her and her friends, she did understand where he was coming from in relation to the job he had to do, and helping was better than standing there wallowing in frustrated resentment.

“I’m searching for either footprints or cougar tracks. If you want to check that way, we’ll see what we can find.” He pointed her in the opposite direction he’d been heading. “Go slow so you don’t accidentally step on anything, and if you spot something, let me know.”

She began a sweeping search like he’d been doing, moving back and forth with her gaze glued to the ground. About twenty minutes in, her neck and back were getting sore. She paused, straightening so she could stretch before moving on.

“Got something over here,” Joel called. “Bring that camera over here.”

She turned around to see him on the far side of the ledge. After she snapped a couple pictures of a hiking boot imprint in the dirt, she followed Joel as he tracked the trail down the mountain.

She realized they weren’t far from where the cougar had disappeared when he straightened and drew his gun. The sight of the weapon made her tense, and then he gave a terse order for her to stay right at his back.

Didn’t need to tell her twice.

She’d thought the cougar sighting was an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime experience, but had she been alone, she’d have been scared out of her mind. Joel’s protection, gruff though it was, was more than welcome, especially since they were heading into the lion’s den, so to speak.

He came to a stop, gun ready in front of him. “The carcass is up ahead. Cougars are known to stay with a big kill and feed for several days, so keep a sharp eye out for him.”

“Okay.” Her nose wrinkled as the smell of decomposing flesh began to register.

“I’m going to need your camera.”

“It’s not your standard point and shoot.”

“I’m familiar with DSLR.”

She handed the camera over without taking her eyes off the wilderness around them. Her heart raced at the thought of the lethal cat stalking them from the shadows. “If he just ate, it’s not likely he’d attack, is it?”

“He may decide to defend what’s his. I don’t like this either, but I just need to verify the kill, get a few pictures, and then we’re outta here.”

“Sounds good.”

“Cougars are the opposite of a bear, so if you do spot him, be big, be loud. Look him in the eye and yell.”

The hairs on her arm stood on end. “Got it. Now hurry up.”

She followed Joel toward the site, but faced away from him to watch their backs. His muttered curse made her pulse skip a beat. She sidled closer until her leg brushed against him, suddenly needing physical contact for reassurance. “What?”
