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Her heart thudded and a tingle surged through her nerve ends. Damn it. Where the hell was the line when she needed it?

“All done?” Casey asked as he flipped off the office light.

“Yes. But I’m pretty tired, so I think I’m going to pass on the bar tonight. Tell the girls I’ll see them tomorrow.”

“Aw, come on, it’s still early.”

She shook her head with an apologetic smile as they stepped outside. While he locked up, she removed the SD card from her camera and extended it to Joel without meeting his gaze. “Here. I’ll stop by the station to pick this up tomorrow.”

Casey gave him a light slap on the back as he walked past. “I'll see you over there.”

She tracked his progress with a narrowed gaze, then shifted her attention back to Joel, who hadn’t taken the card yet. The overhead light cast his face in shadow. Dark stubble on his jaw added to the effect, making it hard to gauge his mood as he stood next to where Nobel waited patiently at the hitching rail.

She waggled her hand impatiently. “You want the pictures or not?”

He finally reached for the little card and his fingers brushed hers, supercharging the tingle of anticipation lingering throughout her body.

Pulling her hand away, she funneled her frustration into her words. “I don’t appreciate you telling Casey to babysit me.”

“You heard that.”

“Of course I heard that. I heard you the first time up at camp, so what’s the point of saying something to him?”

“Because, while you hear what I say, you don’t seem to listen very well.” He slipped the media card into the front pocket of his faded jeans. “I highly suggest you listen to this: either you follow my rules, or I’ll revoke Highland’s riding access.”

After what she’d seen, she had no intentions of camping alone until the guy was caught, but his threat caught her off guard. “You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.”

“That’s blackmail.”

His gaze held steady on hers. “Whatever it takes.”

“Why do you even care? It’s not like we’re friends.” Oh, God, why couldn’t she just keep her mouth shut?

“My duty is not only to protect the animals in the park, but people as well.”

So, she was nothing but duty. Great. At least he had no trouble locating the stupid little imaginary line. She swallowed past the lump forming in her throat and tried to come up with a reply to show she didn’t give a damn how he categorized her.

Something shifted in his eyes. Light seemed to collect in the gold flecks around his irises. They softened—no, heated.

He took a step closer. “You really want to know why we can’t be friends, Brittany?”

She wanted to say no, but her voice wouldn’t work. Wanted to back up, but her feet wouldn’t move. His voice had lowered to a sensual, mesmerizing pitch that held her rooted to the spot while he closed the remaining distance between them.

“You are frustrating as all hell and drive me nuts.”

Nothing like the truth to break the spell. Now she could move. Except when she took a step backward, the hitching rail brought her up short. Next thing she knew, Joel had braced a hand on either side of her, caging her in the circle of his arms.

“You don’t like me. Fine, I get it.”

“Do you?” he asked softly. “Really?”

She thought she did—until he leaned in as if he was going to kiss her.

“Yes,” she said quickly, wishing her voice hadn’t come out so breathless. As if she wanted his mouth on hers. She raised her hands between

them, but hesitated to press her palms against the soft cotton covering his muscled chest. “The feeling’s mutual, by the way. And I don’t want to be friends anymore, anyway.”
