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He’d cleaned up the bedding on the couch, so there was nothing for her to do but nod and precede him out the door. She returned his smile on her way by and almost turned back to ask the question she’d been wondering about since she laid on the couch the night before.

Courage deserted her there on the porch step, as well as during the drive to the trailhead. The hike offered no opportunities either, because they’d fallen into a comfortable rhythm of conversation. Add in a bit of teasing here and there, and some might even call it friendly.

Unfortunately, she was fairly certain her question would flip that switch, so the nerve she needed to voice the words remained as elusive as Joel’s poacher.

They reached Lawn Lake by eleven and ate lunch on the same rock she’d relaxed on yesterday. The trail had been practically deserted, so they were the only two enjoying the scenery until it was time to move on.

She didn’t look forward to this next part and felt her shoulders tense as they continued along the path leading to Crystal Lake. Her attention focused on the side of the well-worn route, eyes searching for any familiar sign from yesterday. She turned back to look at Joel and recognized the view from when the hikers had paused with her for a drink.

“It’s right around here.”

They couldn’t find the prints that’d been on the side of the trail, and she sighed. “When I was headed back yesterday, I passed a group of teenagers on the way up. They must’ve disturbed the tracks.”

“Then it’s good you took pictures.”

Joel widened the search and located the trail a good ten yards into the woods. He worked backwards to the hiking trail, checking the dirt for additional bullets or shells. Coming up empty, he led the way into the forest and they tracked the trail for almost a mile before he halted.

Britt noticed dark spots on a rock, and from there, the trail of blood intensified. Joel pulled out his radio and called the station. She listened as he gave Randy the coordinates of where to send a chopper to meet them. Her stomach knotted at the tension in his voice.

He clipped the radio on his belt and faced her. “I want to give you fair warning, this guy is getting worse. This might not be something you’ll want to see.”

“Thanks, but I can handle it.”

“That’s fine, but please, just give me a minute, okay?”

The fact he asked instead of ordered was not lost on her. She nodded and waited behind as he made his way through some brush before shrugging off his backpack. He pulled out a camera, then started working in a methodical circle to document the scene and preserve evidence before advancing.

When he set the camera aside and motioned her forward, she took a deep breath before joining him. Even with his warning, she wasn’t prepared for the up-close look at the mound of bloody flesh that used to be an elk. The animal had been mutilated and was recognizable only by the velvet-covered antlers on one end. Though it wasn’t nearly as bad as the ram at the overnight camp, stench hung in the air from the start of decomposition.

Her stomach churned, and she had to choke back the bile that rose in her throat. “How could anyone in their right mind do something like this?”

“This guy is not in his right mind.” He looked up from where he was hunched close to the ground. “Now do you understand why I don’t want you out alone?”

Turning away from the gruesome sight, she fixed her gaze on the majestic mountain peaks towering above the treetops. “It’s hard to believe something this horrible happens in a place this beautiful.”

“Believe it.” Anger resonated in the two words. “The evidence is right in front of you.”

“I know. How long ago do you think this happened?”

“Judging by the rate of decomp and the smell, inside of forty-eight hours. Possibly even yesterday morning.”

His grim tone said what he didn’t need to. She’d been too close.

The rhythmic chop of helicopter blades registered and Joel waved his arm as the machine passed overhead to locate a landing site. Silence fell in the forest and shortly after, Randy and the pilot arrived with the required equipment. Dennis Mueller merely nodded in her direction, but Randy stopped in front of her.

A slight frown marred his brow as he set down the cases he held. “Britt, I didn’t know you were here, too.”

“She found the bullet yesterday and led me back up here today,” Joel advised.

“She shouldn’t have to see something like this.” He turned his slightly accusing frown from Joel, and locked his gaze with hers. “You doing okay?”

She nodded, surprised by the intensity of his concern. “I’m fine, Randy, don’t worry about me. You guys just do what you need to help Joel so he can catch this sicko and put him behind bars where he belongs.”

“Brittany’s right,” Joel said. “Let’s get this taken care of so I can get her home.”

Randy nodded, his jaw tight. After a moment, he visibly relaxed, gave her one of his usual smiles, and bent to open the equipment he’d carried in.

Each of the men pulled on a set of medical gloves, and Britt moved off to the side so she wouldn’t be in the way. Pulling out her own camera to pass the time, she wandered in the near vicinity and took some pictures of the wildflowers and interesting moss patterns on rocks. After about a half-hour, boredom won out and she returned to the site to sit on a log and watch the guys work.
