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“Even after his threat the other day?”

“Not unless I see something on the security footage.”

Brittany’s clenched jaw confirmed she was still stuck on Stevens. Joel’s gut was screaming there was more going on than met the eye.

“I’ve got a blade in the tire back here,” the deputy called from the back of her truck.

“That’s good,” Aaron said. “We’ll have a better chance of getting prints off that than the tires. Craig, you get this towed in and I’m going to head inside.”

“What do I do?” Brittany asked.

“Go home for now. Joel, can you give her a ride?”

“Already planned on it.”


“Excuse me, did anyone want to ask me?”

Aaron took her by the shoulders. “Listen, and listen good. I’m going to talk to Kelly, but don’t discount Joel’s instincts on this. With your truck being keyed and now your tires, there’s a chance this person could be following you, so don’t be taking any chances.”

Her wide-eyed gaze ping-ponged from Aaron, to Joel, and back again.

“Can you provide police protection?” Joel asked.

The sheriff shook his head, regret in his expression. “I don’t have the manpower. The main thing is, Britt, you need to watch your back and don’t go anywhere alone. As soon as we find something out, we’ll be in touch.”

Chapter 26

Britt wasn’t sure what to think as Joel drove her back to Gina’s apartment. If Kelly wasn’t responsible for the tires, who was? Could it be the same person who’d keyed her truck?

Who hated her that much? Kelly was the only one who made sense.

She glanced over at Joel. He’d been quiet as he drove. His fingers kept flexing on the wheel and each car that approached cast his stony profil

e in stark relief. She wanted to go back to the teasing exchange they’d had on the phone earlier, but he was still mad at her for the confrontation at the store.

“Your friend Gina home tonight?”

“No. She texted me earlier to let me know she’s staying at Jackson’s one more night.”

“Then I’ll wait while you pack a bag. You’ll be staying at my place tonight.”

Again with the orders. Her stomach flipped over for a couple reasons. “Do you think that’s necessary? Aaron said not to go anywhere alone.”

“He also said this guy might be following you, in which case, I don’t want you alone at all. Not until we catch him.”

The severe tone of his voice sparked the anxiety she was trying to deny. Kelly she could deal with; someone else made the whole situation downright frightening. “You’re that sure it’s not Kelly?”

His hands flexed again. “I’m that sure.”

He wasn’t mad, she realized, he was worried. That didn’t help her nerves one bit, yet her heart warmed as she drew in a shaky breath. His concern strengthened her decision yesterday to give the connection between them a chance to flourish. And if her heart had any say, they might be able to make it last beyond the summer.

At the apartment building, he pulled his gun and a shoulder holster from beneath his seat. Yet another reality check. After strapping the weapon on, he led her up the stairs and took the keys from her hand. He tried the handle before unlocking the door. “Wait here.”

While he went in first, she pulled Gina’s mail from the container hanging on the outside wall. Then she stood just inside the apartment until Joel returned from the bedrooms.

“All clear. Pack enough for a couple days. After we leave, let Gina know to stay where she’s at.”
