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He stepped back as she turned back to the dresser. After grabbing a handful of underwear and socks, then three pairs of jeans from the next drawer, she moved over to the closet. All the while, her mind whirled. How the hell was she going to get him back to the ranch tonight?

She pulled a couple T-shirts from hangers, then dropped everything on the bed over the empty envelope sitting next to her bag.

In the middle of stuffing her jeans inside the duffle, she froze, then widened her eyes as she turned toward Joel. “I don’t think I locked the barn when I left.”

He frowned. “What made you think of that?”

“I don’t know.” She turned back to her packing. “Would you mind driving me up there?”

“Is one night going to be that big a deal?”

“The tack alone is worth thousands of dollars. I can’t take that chance.”

“We can call the resort security office to check the locks.”

“No!” She glanced up as confusion deepened his frown. Damn it. “It’s just…” She paused and gave him a pleading look. “I’ll feel better if I check it myself. I’m sorry, but Mark trusts me, and I don’t want to let him down. I promise, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. Please?”

He glanced at his watch, then transferred his piercing gaze back to hers. Her heart kicked against her ribs as she wondered if he suspected her lie.

Finally, he nodded. “Okay.”

She didn’t have to fake a relieved smile. “Thank you.”

A few minutes later, he tossed her duffle in the back of the truck and then waited for her to climb in before shutting the door. The sight of his two grocery bags increased her guilt. She hadn’t bought any perishables, but he’d already tossed the box of melted ice cream bars, and she’d seen other food in his cart that should’ve been refrigerated already. She’d have to pay him back later.

He didn’t say a word about the groceries during the drive. Instead, he slipped into investigative mode. “Is there anyone you can think of who would’ve slashed your tires? Someone you don’t get along with?”

She shook her head. “Only Kelly.”

And apparently, whoever wrote that note. How did he know so much about her? Could it be the poacher was someone she knew? A chill clawed up her spine and she wasn’t able to quell the resulting shudder.

Joel shot her a glance before checking the rearview mirror. “You’ve never had any problems with a guest?”


He reached over to adjust his side mirror, then glanced toward hers. “Hopefully there’s something on the security video from the grocery store and this’ll be over soon.”

She prayed he was right.

They were almost to the ranch when she realized his gaze hadn’t stopped shifting from the winding mountain road in front of them to the rearview mirror every couple seconds. When she twisted to look out the back window, her pulse leapt at the sight of headlights not too far behind.

He shot her another look. “What?”

She turned back just enough to face him. The dim light of the dash did nothing to soften the harsh line of his profile. “You’re the one spending more time checking mirrors than watching the road. Is someone following us?”

His fingers flexed on the wheel. His gaze flicked to the mirror again. “I’m just being careful, that’s all.”

A moment later, he slowed for Highlands, then gave her a brief warning of “Hang on,” before cutting the lights. He still took the turn and then a stomp on the brakes threw her forward against the seatbelt. Somehow she managed to brace her hands against the dashboard as they jerked to a stop on the far left side of the resort’s main entrance.

He cut the engine and the cab plunged into darkness. In the sudden silence, her heart thumped wildly in her chest. Her lungs grew tighter with each short breath. His hand finding hers to offer a reassuring squeeze didn’t help, because a second later he ordered, “Stay in the truck,” and opened his door.

It closed again just as quick, leaving her all alone as the overhead light faded to black. She peered out the back window, but didn’t see where he’d gone. Out on the road, she did see the approaching headlights of the car that’d been behind them.

Were they slowing down?

Was it the poacher?

She held her breath, but the vehicle rounded the bend and kept going. It appeared they’d only slowed because of the curve in the road. Britt let out a sigh a
