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“No, don’t. Please, I don’t want to know.”

“Of course you don’t. Because my sacrifices mean nothing to you.”

“That’s not true. I appreciate all the good times we had these past summers.”

“Which is why you didn’t even give me the time of day once Morgan was on the scene.”

She kept silent on the irony that Joel never would’ve come to Estes Park if Randy hadn’t started poaching the sheep.

Tension vibrated between them as he slowed and made a right turn into the parking lot entrance for the Longs Peak Trailhead.

“Why are we here?”

“I want to show you what I did for you. You wouldn’t believe how good it feels to hold the power of life and death in your hands.”

The quiet, reverent words sunk into her brain and unleashed a tide of panic. He was going to kill her. Why else would he bring her here instead of getting as far away from Estes Park as possible? Her lungs refused to fill with air as she realized she’d never see her family or friends again. Or Joel.


She latched onto a vision of him like it was a life preserver. His voice filled her head. Calm down and think, Brittany. You’re strong. You can do this.

The panic receded enough that she could breathe again. Randy stopped the truck in front of the chained gate which blocked the lane some twenty yards in, but any hope of escape died when he pulled a gun from the compartment on his door.

He got out, weapon pointed at her in one hand, bolt cutters in the other. He motioned her toward him. “Come across the seat and get out on my side.”

Once she did, he had her lay face first on the ground while he cut the chain securing the gate. Then he made her crawl back into the passenger seat from his side so he could drive through the open gate. They repeated the process while he shut the gate and rearranged the chain so it appeared to still be secured.

Each time she’d lain on the ground, she discreetly searched for a rock big enough to use as a weapon. Each time she came up empty. Back in the truck, he drove through the trees to the parking lot and shut off the truck in the spot next to the start of the trail. He motioned her across to his side again.

She took her time and paused in the driver’s seat, giving herself precious extra seconds to figure out what to do. Whatever happened, she couldn’t let him get her into the woods. Keep him talking. Delay as much as possible. Play on his feelings.

“Randy, you don’t have to do this.”


“Just let me go. Please,” she pleaded, her voice soft and gentle like when she was working with the mustang. Surely he realized he’d never get away with something like this? “You can leave Estes Park. Start over somewhere else. If you go now, you’ll have enough of a head start to disappear before anyone starts looking for me.”

He hesitated, then shook his head as his expression hardened. “You should’ve told me we could leave together, Brittany. I might have bought that.”


“Shut up. I know I don’t have to do this, I want to. Out here, I call the shots.” His voice dropped a notch. “I decide which one. I decide. If I want it to end fast, I cut deep and the blood all gushes out. But a shallow cut lets it flow slow and smooth. Toward the end, I can see each individual heartbeat…”

Like she could feel hers right now. The vivid picture his words painted made her stomach roll with nausea. She forced herself to remain calm, to think clearly, and not show her fear.

“They’re panicked at first. Frightened.” He paused and forced her to meet his gaze. Then he smiled. “But it fades from their eyes as they accept that I hold their life in my hands.”

He was not right in the head.

“Move it. Out.”

Inside the vehicle, she had no hope of defending herself before he overpowered her. Outside might provide better opportunity. And a chance to run.

She climbed from the truck, her gaze scanning the area the moment she moved past him. Near the edge of the trail were a number of lose rocks, at least one of which was large enough. One quick glance revealed him about three steps behind her.

Raising a hand to her head, she swayed while holding out the other as if trying to catch her balance.

