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“You didn’t want to see me. What happened was my fault.”

“I never said that. Where’d you get an idea like that?”

Her gaze faltered.

“Who told you I didn’t want to see you?” he insisted.

“Jordan did. He said—”

A growl of annoyance rumbled from his throat. “Forget what my idiot brother said,” Justin ordered. “I’m here now.”

Yes, he was, but did she dare hope? She smiled hesitantly.

His gaze dropped to the front of her robe. “Did I do that? Sorry.”

She took a deep breath and said point blank, “It’s not your fault, Justin.”

“I didn’t mean to scare you. I should’ve knocked at the—”

She shook her head. “What they did—Dale and Diana—I don’t blame you at all.”

He swallowed hard and dropped his gaze. But not before she saw the guilt in his eyes. “I still feel responsible.”

“I know,” she said. “That’s what makes you you.”

On impulse, she closed the distance between them and pulled him tight to her. Arms around his neck, she buried her face against his warm skin. After a brief hesitation, he closed his arms around her, tightening them just short of crushing her ribs. This was where she wanted to spend the rest of her life, but when it came down to it…would he be able to stay?

“Besides what Jordan said, I didn’t come see you because I don’t want you to feel guilty about what they’ve done,” she whispered. “You take on too much, and if seeing me keeps it fresh…”

“I feel it whether I see you or not, but not seeing you is a hundred times worse,” he admitted, his breath stirring her hair. “I’m sorry about everything. I was so damn scared I wouldn’t be able to get them to leave. That I wouldn’t be able to protect you.”

He had been protecting her. Her heart swelled and she hugged him tighter. After a moment, she said, “You have to let it go, Justin.”

His chest expanded against hers. “I will. In time.”

“I’ve got lots of time.”

His hands rubbed up and down the length of her back. “God, I’ve missed you.”

Before she could agree, he dipped his head, searching for her mouth with his. Warmth radiated throughout her body, followed by a delicious tingle. Denied the chance to speak, she deepened the kiss, wanting him to know she craved the passion they’d shared a week ago. Justin’s fingers caressed her face before he drew back from the kiss and rested his hands on her shoulders.


She caught her breath, only to lose it again when his serious expression gave her a nasty jolt of nervousness. Something was wrong.

“Somewhere in the craziness of all this, I fell in love with you.”

Her pulse went haywire. Of all the things he could’ve said, she hadn’t expected that.

“I know it’s only been a few weeks, and I don’t want to freak you out, but I—”


“I had to let you know,” he insisted. “We can take it slow. Whatever you want. Well, assuming you want—”
