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Justin spoke from behind Marley. “Bonnie, can you bring us those papers in about ten minutes?”


He began walking again, and Marley followed, more nervous than she thought she’d be. The feeling increased when he opened the door to the office next to his.

“Here you go.”

“This is my office?”

He nodded. “Since we’ll be collaborating on the Jenkins project, it makes sense.”

She’d be working directly with him? Every day? Her nervousness quadrupled. She set her briefcase on the desk and watched him walk to a side door.

“Take some time to settle in. I’ll leave this open, let me know if you need anything.”

Then he left her alone. Well, semi-alone. She could see him through the open door at his desk. Connecting offices? She forced her anxiety aside and looked around.

The room was equipped like an architect’s dream. Her office. A split-top drafting table, complete with computer, sat near the window with an adjustable light attached to the head. Her design for the Jenkins building lay on its hard surface, spread out in all its glory.

She walked over to touch it, imagining herself sitting in the chair, creating more buildings to last for ages. Next to the drafting table was a station that had everything she’d need to build her models. She’d pictured this office in her dreams.


Hands in his pockets, Justin leaned against the doorjamb, watching as Marley trailed her fingers over the table with a faraway look on her face. His gaze focused on her hands. Their delicate lines belied impressive strength. What would they feel like on—

He straightened abruptly. “Everything satisfactory?”

She startled at his voice. When she turned, her expression disappointed him. He’d expected gratitude, or pleasure. Something other than the cool mask she’d presented since the moment she’d seen him this morning. Obviously, she wasn’t willing to let bygones be bygones. Yet she was here.

Bonnie’s knock drew their attention. “I’ve got those papers you asked for.”

“Thank you. Leave them on the desk.”

After Bonnie left, Justin said, “Look over the contract when you have time. Take it to a lawyer if you want.”

Marley nodded on her way to the desk.

“The building committee for the project just sent me an e-mail slotting our presentation for Thursday, late morning. Can you work up a model by then?”

Her head snapped up. “By Thursday? Are you serious?”

“Most of the time.”

“I can’t build a model in three days.”

“Two and a half, actually.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Are you trying to make me fail?”

He knew it would take an exceptional effort to do what he asked, but they had no choice. Only she didn’t know that, so he decided to lay it on the line. “If you fail and we lose the bid, the company that my Grandfather built over the past fifty-three years will likely file bankruptcy within the next month.”

Her eyes widened. He didn’t flinch as she studied him for a moment, glanced at the table full of supplies, then back to him. Surprisingly, one corner of her mouth tugged upward. “No pressure, though, right?”

He allowed a small smile in return. “It’s time to see what you’re made of, Marley Wade.”

She rose to the challenge, as he’d guessed she would. She was just that kind of girl. Off came the jacket of her business suit, tossed onto the back of her desk chair without a second thought. She started to roll up the sleeves of her cream blouse while at the same time kicking off her shoes.
