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Marley stepped from the elevator Thursday morning, unable to believe her future would be decided in a few short hours. She said a quick good morning to Bonnie and went straight to her office to add the final touches on the model.

The door connecting her and Justin’s offices was closed, and she squelched the urge to go open it right away. He’d be in eventually.

Later, a knock at her regular door made her jump and her heart raced until Jordan stepped in, impeccably dressed in a navy blue suit and maroon tie.

“We’re on at ten. You set to go?”

She gave him a nervous smile. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“You’ll do fine.”

She checked the model to assure herself all was in order, then turned back to him. She surprised an expression of distaste on his face as he looked down toward her legs.

“What’s wrong? Did I get something on my clothes?”

His head snapped up. “No, nothing’s wrong,” he hastily assured her.

The connecting door opened and Justin walked in, coffee mug in hand. He looked amazing in a dark brown suit with a tan button-up shirt and no tie. The pants were tailored to fit his muscled legs to perfection, and his brown dress shoes sported a gleaming luster she knew she’d never see on a pair of work boots.

His step slowed. When she looked at his face, she caught a glimpse of emotion very similar to Jordan’s a moment ago. He stopped next to his brother, and the two exchanged a glance.

Putting her hands on her hips, she demanded, “What?”

“That’s what you’re wearing today?” Justin asked.

She looked down at her suit with its small black and white checkers. “Looks like it. Why?”

“Umm, let’s just say it’s not your…pattern.”


; Her eyes narrowed at Justin’s evasive comment. “Your dad told me it looked nice. I trust his judgment.”

Jordan grimaced. Justin said, “Remember when I told you Dad was a self-serving ass? I’d be willing to bet that when he told you that suit looked nice, he was still looking to secure your design for little or nothing.”

Marley opened her mouth to argue but realized it had been just before Justin offered her the job. She really felt stupid now. “Is it that bad?”

“It’s not that bad,” Jordan offered kindly.

Justin snorted. “It’s not that good, either.”

Jordan smacked him on the arm.

“What?” Justin defended. “She appreciates honesty. Marley, sorry to say it, but you look better in jeans.”

She glared at the both of them. “Real nice, guys. Tell me this just before we’re about to go in.”

Her first major career presentation and she was wearing a damn clown suit. She’d almost worn her new brown suit, but hadn’t wanted to wear it twice in one week. Now, she had no time to change—she’d never make it home and back in time.

Then Justin’s words repeated in her mind. She made a snap decision and started for the door with a purposeful stride.

“Where are you going?” Justin asked.

“To change.”

He took a step after her. “You don’t have time to go home.”

“I’ve got a bag in my truck from last week at the construction site.”
